Fill in the Blank
True or False
Multiple Choice
Food web
Short Answer

Fish and berries are resources that meet a bear's need for ______.

a. web

B. food

C. ecosystem

B. food


All the populations, communities, and habitats make up an ecosystem.



A pineapple plant is a ______.

A. consumer

B. decomposer

C. producer

C. producer


The frog's food chain in this food web includes the sun, the plants, and the ____.

A. fox

B. garter snake

C. grasshopper

C. grasshopper


Why were there no carnivores before the Fall (first sin)? Use the Bible's teaching in your answer.

The Bible teaches us in Genesis 1 that God created people and animals to eat only plants. 


Several food chains linked together is a food ____.

A. web

B. chain

C. prey

A. web


A living thing that makes its own food and gets its energy directly from the sun is a consumer.

False - producer


A food chain is the movement of _____ form one living thing to another living thing. 

A. energy

B. force

C. magnetism

A. energy


A producer in this food web is a _____. 

A. fox

B. grasshopper

C. plant

C. plant


Why would a deer survive well when the temperature gets colder?

The deer has the characteristic to grow thick fur to keep itself warm. 


Living things grow, develop, interact, and _____ with things around them.

A. predators

B. reproduce

C. resource

B. reproduce


An animal that eats both plants and animals is called an omnivore.



When one part of the food web changes, it affects ____ web.

A. none of

B. some of

C. all of

C. all of


The herbivore in this food web is the _____.

A. fox

B. grasshopper

C. snake

B. grasshopper


How can people take care of the earth when they go fishing? Use the Bible's teaching in your answer.

- People can limit the amount of fish that they catch to only what they need

- God wants us to wisely use the resources He has given us

- When people make wise changes to ecosystems, they glorify God. 


There is competition between animals when they share the same limited _____.

A. ecosystem

B. food

C. resource

C. resource


An animal that eats only plants is called a carnivore.

False - herbivore


A cause of change in an ecosystem could be ____. 

A. a cloudy day

B. light wind

C. not enough rain

C. not enough rain


The omnivore in this food web is the _____.

A. fox

B. grasshopper

C. plant

A. fox


Describe the process of the slash-and-burn method. Give two ways how this can hurt an ecosystem.

- Humans slash trees to make more room for farming and burn the land to grow crops. 

- Food chains and food webs can be disrupted from plants being burned, leaving animals without food.

- Animals have to find a new place to live because there are no resources for shelter (trees, bushes, etc.)


All the living and nonliving things and the environment in which they interact is _____.

A. predators

B. ecosystem

C. resource

B. ecosystem


An ecosystem stays balanced when prey control population sizes. 

False - predators


A characteristic that helps an organism survive in a changed ecosystem is ____. 

A. a camel storing fat in a drought

B. a squirrel making a nest in a tree

C. a fish breathing in water

A. a camel storing fat in a drought


The carnivore in this food web is the _____.

A. fox

B. grasshopper

C. snake

C. snake


Carmen and Ruth saw wild animals in Africa. They saw a zebra with other zebras. The zebra were living together in a group. Carmen and Ruth learned that animals living together in groups have advantages. 

Explain what advantages animals have by living together in groups.

- Animals that live in groups can find food more easily. 

- Animals in a group can protect themselves and their offspring.

- They can also be more protected from the cold. 
