Living things in an environment are called ________.
What is biotic?
The living and nonliving things in an environment and all of their interactions is called an ____________.
What is an ecosystem?
A dry barren biome that is very hot in the day and can be freezing cold at night.
What is a desert?
A biome where the main plant is grass.
What is the Grassland or Savanna biome?
The energy for every food chain comes from the _____.
What is the sun?
Nonliving things in an environment are called _____.
What is abiotic?
The home of an organism is called its _________.
What is habitat?
The largest biome in the world. It is a cool forest biome with long and cold winters, fir and spruce trees, ponds and lakes, and animals like bear and moose.
What is the coniferous forest biome?
This biome is found near the Earth's equator and it is hot and humid with plenty of rain.
What is the Tropical Rain Forest biome?
Every food chain always begins with this type of organism: ___________.
The biosphere has 6 major ______________ that have unique climates, plants, and animals.
What is a biome?
_____________ refers to the weather pattern in an environment.
What is climate?
A cold, dry biome where the ground is frozen all year long! Most animals here hibernate or migrate during the winter.
What is the Tundra biome?
A food web shows how all the food chains in an ecosystem are connected. It also shows the relationships between predator and prey. Define:
predator - prey - scavenger
predator - hunts for food
prey - the animal that is being hunted
scavenger - eats the leftovers
Organisms that cannot make their own food and must eat other organisims for energy are called __________.
What are consumers?
What is the difference between a community and a population?
Community - a group of several species living together in an ecosystem
Population - a group of one species living in an ecosystem
All the members of a specific species is called a ______________.
What is a population?
This biome often has cold winters and warm summers. Trees like Maple and Oak usually lose their leaves during autumn each year here.
What is the Deciduous Forest biome?
Explain what competition is in a food web and ecosystem.
Competition is the struggle between organisms for food, water, and other needs like shelter.
Organisms that break down dead and decaying matter, returning the nutrients to the soil.
What are decomposers?
Describe mutualism, commensalism, and parasitism.
How organisms relate to one another:
Mutualism - both benefit
Commensalism - one organism benefits and the other is unaffected
Parasitism - one organism benefits while the other is harmed
All the populations of different species that make up an ecosystem is called a ______________.
What is a community?
There are also water biomes. Name 2 types of water biomes.
Freshwater and Ocean.
Name the 4 distinct vertical zones or layers of a Tropical Rain Forest.
Emergent - tallest trees sticking up
Canopy - moderately tall trees forming a layer
Understory - middle layer
Floor - lowest layer
Define the following:
Herbivore - eats only plants (producers)
Carnivore - eats only meat (other animals)
Omnivore - eats plants (producers) and animals (consumers)