Terrestrial Biomes
Aquatic Biomes

Which sequence shows increasing ecological levels of organization?

organism, population, community, ecosystem

ecosystem, population, organism, community

community, ecosystem, population, organism

population, organism, ecosystem, community

What is organism, population, community, ecosystem. 


Which of the following biomes is affected by deforestation?





What is the taiga. 


Where can freshwater aquatic life zones NOT be found?

mangrove communities


inland wetlands


What is inland wetlands


One of the roles of ecological succession is to encourage biodiversity in a habitat. Ecological succession occurs in stages and permits a habitat to allow new species to grow in number as the habitat 

is destroyed.

is relocated.

remains the same.

undergoes change.

What is undergoes change


An environmental change can make an ecosystem more stable by

increasing the biodiversity of the ecosystem.

decreasing the biodiversity of the ecosystem.

decreasing the amount of producers in the ecosystem.

increasing the amount of consumers in the ecosystem

What is increasing the biodiversity of the ecosystem.


Why do higher trophic levels in most ecosystems contain fewer organisms than lower trophic levels?

Energy available for use to the highest trophic level is small

Energy available for use to the lowest trophic level is small.

Energy available for use to the highest trophic level is large.

Energy available for use to the highest and lowest trophic levels is the

What is energy available for use to the highest trophic level is small. 


Which of the following are the three primary ecosystems found on Earth?

grassland, rainforest, and ocean

freshwater, rainforest, and desert

freshwater, terrestrial, and ocean

grassland, terrestrial, and desert

What is freshwater, terrestrial, and ocean


An oil tank spilled oil into a neighboring freshwater pond. What will most likely happen to the pond ecosystem if the oil spill is not taken care of immediately?

The organisms living in the freshwater pond will not survive the change to their environment.

 The organisms living in the freshwater pond will adapt very quickly to the new environment. 

The organisms living in the freshwater pond will not be affected by the oil spill. 

The organisms living in the freshwater pond will increase because of the oil spill. 

What is the organisms living in the freshwater pond will not survive the change to their environment


The regrowth of a forest after a devastating fire is an example of what process?

primary succession

secondary succession

tertiary succession

intermediate succession

What is secondary succession


Which of the following will  most likely occur from the modification of natural ecosytems by humans?

increased biodiversity

increased stability in the ecosystem

decreased carbon dioxide emissions

decreased biodiversity

What is decreased biodiversity.


Considering the energy that is lost as heat to the environment when one organism consumes another, which model correctly shows the trophic levels ranked from greatest energy to least?

herbivore►producer►top carnivore►primary carnivore

producer►herbivore►primary carnivore►top carnivore

primary carnivore►top carnivore►producer►herbivore

top carnivore►primary carnivore►herbivore►producer

What is producer►herbivore►primary carnivore►top carnivore. 


Which land biome has more species than all the other biomes combined?

tropical rainforest


temperate forest


What is tropical rainforest 


What is the  most important reason to carefully protect sources of freshwater?

Polluted freshwater can carry diseases to animals.

Polluted freshwater can lead to polluted oceans.

Freshwater is not renewed by rainfall very often.

Freshwater is a limited resource and all living things need it.

What is Freshwater is a limited resource and all living things need it.


Which of the following statements is true?

Ecological succession in an area may follow the same sequence over and over.

Ecological succession in an area is always different from the time before.

Ecological succession only occurs in environments that have a body of water.

Ecological succession only occurs in environments that have forests.

What is ecological succession in an area is always different from the time before.


Which of the following is the effect of selective breeding of plants and animals on biodiversity?

Selective breeding decreases biodiversity.

Selective breeding increases biodiversity.

Selective breeding does not affect biodiversity.

Selective breeding decreases, and then increases biodiversity.

What is selective breeding decreases biodiversity.


The table shows some observations made by four students during a field trip to a nature area.

Which student observed a community of organisms?

Student 1

Student 2

Student 3

Student 4

What is Student 2.


An abnormal drought combined with an extended period of hot weather can cause a wildfires in some of Earth's biomes. Which biome would be least likely to experience a wildfire caused by these factors?




temperate forest

What is the tundra


Which of the following is NOT a role that tourism plays in exploiting marine life?

forcing drastic changes to common marine diets

adding to the levels of marine debris

exposing very delicate areas to traffic

boosting the sales of products like tortoise shell and corals

What is exposing very delicate areas to traffic


Ecological succession can end when a community is not replaced by another one. This community is called a "climax community." Which of the following would dominate the climax community shown in the ecological succession of the pond?

tall tree

slow-growing plants

green algae

tall-growing grasses

What is tall tree


When farmers clear a forest and plant crops, how will the biodiversity of the land be affected?

The biodiversity will decrease with higher populations of fewer species.

The biodiversity will increase with lower populations of more species.

The biodiversity will decrease with lower populations of more species.

The biodiversity will increase with higher populations of fewer species.

What is the biodiversity will decrease with higher populations of fewer species.


Atmospheric nitrogen has to be combined with other elements, or fixed, in order to be used by
plants. Lightning is one way that nitrogen is fixed. When lightning occurs, the extreme heat
breaks the bonds in nitrogen molecules, allowing nitrogen to combine with oxygen and form
nitrogen oxides. In what way is most of the nitrogen fixed by lightning made available for use by plants?

It is moved by the wind toward dry areas.

It is incorporated into the exoskeletons of flying insects that eat plants.

It is inhaled and exhaled by birds roosting in trees during rainstorms.

It is carried by rain to the soil.

What is It is carried by rain to the soil.


Wetland ecosystems have soils that are covered by water for the majority of the plant-growing season. A wetland environment will most likely support populations of plants that survive in

oxygen-poor soils as well as terrestrial animals.

oxygen-rich soils as well as terrestrial animals.

oxygen-poor soils as well as aquatic animals.

oxygen-rich soils as well as aquatic animals.

What is the oxygen-poor soils as well as terrestrial animals.


What will be an effect of dumping plastic waste into the ocean?

The waste will be used by marine animals to make homes.

The waste will sink to the bottom of the ocean, disintegrating quickly due to the high water pressure.

The waste will float on the ocean's surface, trapping and suffocating marine animals.

The waste will be used as a food source for some marine animals.

What is the waste will float on the ocean's surface, trapping and suffocating marine animals.


What is one difference between primary and secondary succession?

Primary succession is slow and secondary succession is rapid.

Secondary succession begins on soil and primary succession begins on virtually lifeless areas.

Primary succession modifies the environment, and secondary succession does not.

Secondary succession begins with lichens and primary succession begins with trees.

What is secondary succession begins on soil and primary succession begins on virtually lifeless areas.


What is the greatest threat to biodiversity today?


reduction of hunting or fishing

habitat destruction

conservation efforts

What is habitat destruction
