Any living thing
What is an organism
Organisms that do not move about
Sedentary organisms
The process by which a species or other named group ceases to exist on Earth or in a named area
What is extinction?
Which is abiotic? A squirrel, two raccoons, a snake, a rock, a palm tree
What is a rock
Square frames of wire usually 0.25 m squared
2 causes of habitat loss and extinction
Any 2: drainage of wetlands/intensive agricultural practices/deforestation
Which of the following is an example of a biotic thing: a feather, water, a beetle, rocks, a waterfall
What is a beetle
The acronym for the scale that the abundance of an organism
What is ACFOR?
The stable community characteristic of an area that persists as long as the climate does not change
What is a climax community?
To see the change of a species along a gradient
What is a transect?
List 3 impacts of deforestation
1. Habitat loss
2. Soil erosion and desertification
3. Climate change
4. Loss of biodiversity and genetic depletion
A scientist wants to study the type of insects living in a grassy field from one end of the road to the end. The field is too large to count every insect, so the student needs a sampling method. Which is most appropriate?
Also: Random or systematic
Pooters (collect insects safely) + systematic (works if the scientist wants to take samples at regular intervals to observe patterns in distribution.)
List the following in order of biggest to smallest in terms of causing deforestation: Logging, Subsistence farming, Pasture, Commercial farming, Other
Hint: 2 parts are equal.
1. Pasture
2. Subsistence/commercial
3. Logging
4. Other