The type of factor that prairie dogs, sunflowers, and chipmunks are (abiotic or biotic)?
A barnacle that attaches to a crab (and limits the crab's reproduction, but doesn't kill it) is an example of what type of relationship:
What is the Sun
a single living thing (a human, a 7th grader, a dog, a sunflower) can be referred to as this
What is an organism?
Which part of an atom has a positive charge?
Which of these is NOT an abiotic factor?
Water from a stream
What is Fungi (a fungus, a living thing)
This type of relationship hunts down an animal for food.
what is a predator/prey relationship
Put these in order from producer to primary consumer to secondary consumer to tertiary consumer: Hawk, Grass, Rabbit, Snake
What is: Grass, Rabbit, Snake, Hawk
All the sunflower in a patch, all the 7th graders, all the dogs in your neighborhood, all the humans who live in milwaukee - these groups can be referred to as this:
What is a population
What does C-E-R stand for in Science?
The number of people or living things that an ecosystem/region can support
What is its Carrying Capacity?
Double Points: A mouse eats a clover plant. Which one is considered the producer and which one is the consumer?
The mouse is the consumer, the plant is the producer.
Which type of organism breaks down dead plants and animals to recycle nutrients back into the ecosystem?
All the humans, dogs, cats, birds, grass, pine trees, teachers, 7th graders, etc that live in the Milwaukee area can be referred to as this:
what is a community
What is the term for an organism that eats only plants
Resources that can lower the population size (or restrict how many of a population can survive) are known as these (hint: they LIMIT)
What are Limiting Factors?
The arrows in a food chain show this.
What is the flow of energy, or direction energy in a food chain moves.
In a food chain, how much energy is typically passed from one trophic level to the next?
10 Percent
All the living and NON-living factors in a given area are called a what
What is an ecosystem
What organelle is known as the powerhouse of the cell?
What is competition in an ecosystem, and how does it affect the size of a population?
Two organisms fighting for same resources, limiting population growth.
This classification of living things breaks down once-living creatures and returns their energy and nutrients to the soil.
what are decomposers
Double Points: Clover, Grass, and a pine tree all produce their food through photosynthesis. This makes them a what?
What is a producer?
In Yellowstone, the return of the wolves led eventually to a decrease in the deer population, but what ultimately changed due to the return of the wolves?
what is the yellowstone river's flow increased due to the return of the wolves. (be ready to explain this more in detail on the test!)
What is Mr.Vance's Favorite Color?