Food Chain
Animal Survival
Who did what?
Every living thing has a place suited to it. Genesis 1 tells us that God separated the waters from the sky before creating fish and birds to inhabit them. List of the days of creation in order.
Day 1: Light and Dark Day 2: Sky Day 3: Land, Oceans, Plants Day 4: Sun, Moon, Stars Day 5: Fish and Birds Day 6: Animals and Humans Day 7: God rested
An ______________ is a living thing.
An organism is a living thing.
In fox v. rabbit, who is the predator? Who is the prey?
Predator - Fox Prey - Rabbit
Plants and animals need their own space to live. What happens when to many plants grow in the same area? After a while, some of the plants die because they cannot ___________.
Some plants die because they cannot compete.
The mouse was eaten by the cat.
Predator - Cat Prey - mouse
Bible writers were well aware of the interactions within an ecosystem. How does Psalm 104:10 - 13 show this?
"God makes springs pour water into the ravines; it flows between the mountains. They give water to all beasts of the field; the wild donkeys quench their thirst. The birds of the air nest by the waters; they sing among the branches. He waters the mountains from his upper chambers; the earth is satisfied by the fruit of his work."
Four things all animals need in order to survive.
All animals need air, food, water, and shelter in order to survive.
An organism that can make its own food is called a ____.
An organism that can make its own food is called a producer.
In an ecosystem, many types of organisms must live together. Every organism has a _________ which is a special job or role to fill.
Every organism has a niche which is a speical job or role to fill.
The snake ate the bird that ate the grasshopper.
Predator - Snake Prey - Bird Predator - Bird Prey - Grasshopper
In an ecosystem, each animal and plant has a specific role that benefits the individual living thing and other living things as well. So, the most effective way to study living things is to observe them in their natural habitat. How did Solomon observe living things in their natural habitat in 1 Kings 4:33.
He described plant life, from the cedar of Lebanon to the hyssop that grows out of walls.
An ____________ consists of a group of living and nonliving things that interact with each other in an environment.
An ecosystem consits of a group of living and nonliving things that interact with each other in an environment.
An organism that eats food is called a ____________.
An organism that eats food is called a consumer.
________ is a way that animals adjust to changes in their environment.
Adapatation is a way that animals adjust to changes in their environment.
The crow moves to a new part of the forest after a fire.
Read Genesis 1:26. What does it mean to be a good steward?
God has given people the responsibility to care for our world, including plants and animals.
What is an environment?
An environment is everything around an organism.
An organism that breaks down dead plant and animal material to return it to the soil is called a _________.
An organism that breaks down dead plant and animal material to return it to the soil is called a decomposer.
Many birds _______ or move to one place to another to avoid these changes.
Many birds migrate to avoid changes.
The rabbit and deer want to eat the same grass.
They are competing.
How does ecology and an ecologist relate?
An ecologist studies ecology. Ecology is the scientific study of the relationship between living things and their environment.
A food chain shows ____________ eaten by a __________ that is eaten by a ___________. Word Bank: berries, fox, frog, rabbit
A food chain shows berries eaten by a rabbit that is eaten by a fox.
The ate the worm.
Predator - Fish Prey - Worm
A dormouse sleeps through the winter.