What needs to be end-dated on the IEP service grid if the child doesn't require it once entering Kindergarten?
Specialized Transportation
What is the name of the document you send to Joan to set a student up for busing?
Emergency health/transportation information
Name the form you send to Joan if something changes for a student
Student Change Form
What are membership minutes?
Direct + Indirect
What is the name of the document you fill out if a student demonstrates difficult behaviors but doesn't result in a hold?
Serious Incident Report
What are three reasons you would send a student change form to Joan?
Moved, Discontinued, Started, Changed setting/Case Manager, Dimissed
Would there ever be a 0 for attendance minutes?
What is the name of the document you fill out if a student is put in a hold?
Restrictive Procedure: Physical Holding
What is the name of the form you send to Joan at the end of any evaluation you are in charge of?
ECSE Referral for screening/evaluation
What is super helpful to fill out when communicating with families?
Communication Log
When do ECSE Case Managers fill out a trip log?
Only if the student requires a lift bus/van
Who needs copies of a serious incident and restrictive procedure forms?
Family & Rachel Johnston
What must you do with all SpEd Forms documents once you are done?
When do ECSE Case Managers 3rd party bill for a student
If the students daily cares are directly related to their disability and not young age