Eating disorders are physical and mental illnesses categorized by an unhealthy relationships with food and disturbances with eating behaviors.
What is True
3 ways that family/friends can support their loved one struggling with an eating disorder.
ask questions
tell them you love them and can see they are trying
join them in therapy
be honest with them
Improve their own awareness of comments, thoughts, and feelings towards food/diet culture/ and health
This eating disorder is the leading cause of death in women under the age of 24. It is 12X more likely that a young woman between age 12-26 will die of this eating disorder than any other cause.
What is Anorexia
This percentage of 5-8th graders reported making efforts to lose weight.
What is 60%
A food that a person likes to stick to in order to feel comfortable physically and emotionally
What is safe foods.
Anyone with an eating disorder can stick with foods they feel safe eating, but it is less common in bulimia and binge eating disorders.
You can tell a person has an eating disorder by their appearance.
What is false
Many people who have eating disorders have a normal weight, and many are even larger-bodied.
Because they are often motivated by unrealistic perceptions of beauty, people with eating disorders may work out a lot and appear to have their lives together. Underneath the surface, however, they may be struggling both physically and emotionally.
Using ultimatums, blaming, shaming, making comments about eating or weight, and giving simple solutions
What are things that friends and family do that are unhelpful to those with an eating disorder.
Unlike most of the disorders of childhood and adolescence, the causes of eating disorders are disproportionately related to ____ influences.
What is sociocultural
There are serious ____________ complications of eating disorders- that include dehydration, kidney failure, heart failure, fainting, low/high blood pressure, electrolyte imbalance, etc.
What are medical or health complications.
Listening to ones body sensations to determine hunger and fullness, rejecting diet culture, and making peace with all foods
What is intuitive eating
A person can get over Anorexia, Bulimia, or Binge eating disorder by eating normally
What is false
it is essential to address the eating disorder symptoms and medical consequences, as well as all the external/internal forces that contribute to or maintain the eating disorder.
__________________ can be helpful when explaining to family/friends food needs or needs for assistance.
This eating disorder is characterized by
regularly eating more food than most people
would in a single sitting, feeling out of control about eating, and experiencing shame/guilt about their relationship with food
What is Binge Eating Disorder (BED)
These are the levels of care for a person with an eating disorder
Intensive outpatient
Partial hospitalization
The first phase of eating when struggling with an eating disorder.
What is mechanical eating- includes meal plans and assistance with parts or all of food preparations.
A person can be too young or too old to be diagnosed with an eating disorder
What is false
Children as young as 5-6 years have reported symptoms of an eating disorder
Men and women at midlife and beyond are also being diagnosed due new onset symptoms of an eating disorder.
Setting healthy boundaries with families regarding physical or emotional needs is rude and not needed for recovery
What is false
setting boundaries enhances relationships and is a form of self-care
This eating disorder is characterized by
What is Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID)
These are emotional effects of an eating disorder
High levels of shame, guilt, and embarrassment
A sense of being constantly “on edge” and anticipating future catastrophes
Low self-esteem
Loneliness, often resulting from intentional isolation from friends, family members, and other loved ones to hide one’s disordered eating behavior and worsening emotional state
Mood swings
This can lead to a variety of negative outcomes for people, including lower self-esteem, unhealthy views on food and exercise, distorted body image, and poorer mental health
What is diet culture
Recovery from an eating disorder is possible
What is true
Recovery is a complex process that requires a combination of medical and psychological treatment. Medical treatment may include hospitalization, nutritional counseling, and medication. Psychological treatment may include individual therapy, group therapy, and family therapy. Recovery IS possible!
3 factors that may contribute to an eating disorder
OCD, Anxiety, Depression, PTSD, substance abuse disorders, personality disorders, sexual dysfunction, trauma, NSSI, SI.
What are the most common co-morbid diagnoses found in eating disorders.
Things your eating disorder is telling you
I am fat
I am not me without an eating disorder
I do not deserve treatment
I am worthless
I must earn food
I will eat normally once I hit my "goal"
Professional just want to make me fat
If I eat I will lose control
If I do not weigh myself every day my weight will get out of control
A registered dietitian or nutritionist that is specialized is a valuable part of a person's recovery team
What is True
It is helpful at the beginning, as well as periodically throughout recovery, to have a dietitian specializing in eating disorders on the team