In which movie did Han Solo and Luke Skywalker free Princess Leia from the Death Star?
Episode IV - A New Hope
What is the name of this furious feline
Grumpy cat
What does Elsa sing while building her castle?
Let it go
The song Radioactive is by this group
Who is Imagine Dragons?
The teams LeBron James has played for, thus far
What are the Heat, Cavs, and Lakers?
Who is Luke Skywalker's twin sister?
Princess Leia
This popular Dream Works character became a legend of a meme
what is Shrek
In Peter Pan, did Captain Hook have a hook for his left hand or right hand?
Left hand
"Bad Guy" is sung by this teenage prodigy.
Who is Billie Eilish
These 4 NBA teams play in California.
What are the Clippers, Kings, Lakers, and Warriors?
In 'Episode I,' what did Yoda discover that Anakin possessed, that may lead him to the Dark Side?
What is then name of a very depressed frog
Which Disney Princess has a raccoon as a sidekick?
This group performed the song, Hey Jude
Who are The Beatles?
The number of players on a field with no one on base and one hitter at the plate.
Who trained Obi-Wan Kenobi?
Qui-Gon Jinn
in what year did all star come out by smash mouth
What are the names of the two dogs that fall in love?
Lady and Tramp
The name of the the band who wrote feel good Inc
Who is Gorilaz
The "Frozen Tundra" is the nickname of the stadium where this team plays.
The Green Bay Packers
How many characters (not actors) appear in every one of the six movies?
In addition to R2D2 and C3PO, Both Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader and Obiwan Kenobi appear in all six "Star Wars" films.
Super instinct Shagy came from what Scooby-do movie
Scooby-do legend of the Fantisoar
What is Mulan's dog name?
This artist sang "Let It Go" in the movie Frozen
Who is Idina Menzel?
The all-time medals winner in the Summer Olympics
Who is Michael Phelps? (28 medals total)