When was Poe born?
What is "The Black Cat"?
A poem
What is "Annabel Lee"?
a tribute to Poe's dying wife
What is alteration
A writing style of poes
Raven stands for
Who is Poe's wife?
What is "The Tell-Tale Heart"?
A poem about obsebtion
When he met his best friend
he was a child and she was a child
What is internal rhyme?
Ah, distinctly I remember it was in the bleak December
The eye stands for?
What is the last name of Poe's foster family?
What is "The Masque of the Red Death"?
Prince Prospero
How much was Poe paid for "The Raven"?
fourteen dollars
What is repetition?
Quoth the Raven, "Nevermore!"
The red mask stands for?
Hiding from death
Who is Poe's mother?
What is "The Black Cat"?
a black cat, an ax, and an alcoholic
What is "Alone"?
A poem about being alone
What is a symbol?
a concrete image used to represent an abstract quality
The wine stands for
Where and when did Poe die?
Baltimore 1849
What is "The Masque of the Red Death"?
A poem about fear and death
What is "The Raven"?
A poem about grif
What is an allusion?
Cat stands for