Dans la Petite
Style de art
Gen célèbre acharnement
Critique de Degas
Plus tard vie
C'est quand son anniversaire le Edgar Degas?
C'est anniversaire le dix-neuf juillet, dix-huit cent trente – quatre.
Did Degas consider himself an Impressionist like Claude Monet?
No, he considers himself a "realist" because he really did not paint dazzling colors.
What is the name of the ballerina girl that he sculpted?
Le petit danseur, âge quatorze (this is in French).
What was a negative comment that some critics said about the sculpture La Petite Danseuse de quatorze ans?
The sculpture had "Appalling Ugliness."
What was one of the paintings in Degas later years?
The Morning Bath (1892-95).
Where was Degas born?
Paris, France.
What other styles of art did Degas create other than paint?
Sculpture, pastel, oil paintings, printmaking, watercolor, chalk, pencil, etching, photography,… In French: Dégazez a peint beaucoup de tableaux en huile, mais il a également excelé au pastel. En outre, dégazez était un bon sculpteur et a fait à beaucoup des figurines.
What famous painting did Degas paint in America, specifically Louisiana?
The Cotton Exchange in New Orleans.
Name 2 things that was unusual about Degas' artwork.
1. Unusually shaped paintingsn 2. Ballet dancers are shown unglamorously 3. Intimate scenes like women bathing,combing, shopping 4. Unusual viewpoints/angles En francais: Il a placé ses figures aux angles peu communs et a employé des points de vue visuels impairs. Par exemple, il a incliné sa perspective pour souligner un mouvement soudain ou sans cérémonie par une figure. Il a même découpé des parties des sujets au bord de l'image
How did Degas' style of painting change in his later years?
Degas abandoned more topical themes like shop scenes and brothels, and had a new phase of concentration on the human figure in intimate scenes. En francais: Dans le 1880's, dégazez commencé à se concentrer sur des scènes intimes, telles que des femmes se baignant, faisant des emplettes, ou séchant ou se peignant les cheveux.
*DOUBLE POINTS* Who was Degas inspired by in 1855?
Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres Other inspirations: Sous probablement l'influence des peintres Gustave Courbet et Edouard Manet, dégazez a commencé à peindre des scènes de vie quotidienne.
When did Degas shift his style from from historical paintings when he was young to depictions of ordinary life?
Late 1860's.
* DOUBLE POINTS* Appeler cing de Degas acharnement. ( Other than the ones we have already talked about)
The Dance Class, After the Bath IV, The Absinthe Drinker, Woman and Chrysanthemums, Duke ad Duchess, Le Viol, The Rehearsal, Jockeys Before the Race, etc.
What works from 1865-1870 did critics not pay much attention to?
The exhibits at the Salon.
When did Degas pass away?
Il est mort sur septembre. 27, 1917.
What school did Degas receive admission to in April of 1853?
Ecole des Beux-Arts.
How did Degas create a monotype?
First, ink is spread on metal, and is scraped to make an image. A sheet of paper is passed through a press and the image from the metal is pressed on the paper. Then he added color with pastel.
Why would most of Degas' works show dull impression of people, such as SULKING?
Degas wanted to capture a snapshot of life in his paintings, and sad and dullness were part of life as well.
At what exhibit did critics give Degas mixed ratings, but they still name him a leading figure among Impressionists.
The First exhibition of the Société Anonyme des Artistes at 35 boulevard des Capucines, now considered a Impressionist exhibition.
In what forms of art did Degas depict his obsessiveness over the female body?
D'argile, de cire, en papier et canevas.
At what age did Degas turn a room in his house into an art studio and begin making copies of the Louvre?
Dix-huit ans.
*DOUBLE POINTS* Degas' interest in portraiture led him to study carefully how certain characteristics would show their social stature or occupation. In fact, he revealed this through is 1879 portraits. What were these traits (name 3)?
Physiognomy, posture, dress.
When was the opening of the 3me Exposition de Peinture, and what works did Degas exhibit?
April 4, 1877; 23 paintings and pastels, including DANCERS PRACTICING AT THE BAR, also he shows 3 groups of monotypes.
What was the main talk of the 8me exposition de Peinture on May 15, 1886?
The nudes depicting women bathing is the main talk at the exhibition. Many critics found the women ugly and the subject offensive. Some praise the honesty of the depictions and the color choice.
At what age did Degas admit something to his friends and what did he admit?
*DOUBLE POINTS* Cinquante ans; He confessed that he felt disillusioned about his career. He became notorious for his hostility to merely curious journalists and his excessive dedication to making art.