Team Questions
"Creativity at Work" - Lit. Analysis
"Creativity at Work" - Comprehension
"Hidden Secrets" - Lit. Analysis
"Hidden Secrets" - Comprehension
Interpret: According to the two selections, is it possible for people to improve their creativity? Give examples from both texts.
A: Yes, the teens at AFH say that working together helps them to be more creative. Sawyer says that practice, rest, and hard work can improve creativity.
In a news article, the author mostly answers the 5Ws through a)facts b)judgments c)opinions d)headlines
A: a)facts
What is the main purpose of AFH (Arts for Humanity)?
A: use art to create economic opportunities to youth
How are ideas developed in an interview?
A: questions and answers
The interview “Hidden Secrets” is mostly about ___.
A: what scientists are learning about creativity
Compare: What elements of the AFH program match R. Keith Sawyer’s ideas about creativity?
A: Sawyer says that being around other creative people and not giving up help creativity. The teens at AFH show that this is true.
Why is the AFH (Arts for Humanity) program important?
A: students create their own work, sell it, and develop their artwork and careers
How does the creative process work at AFH (Arts for Humanity)?
A: students develop their own work and
What can an interviewer do if he/she does not understand a response or wants more information?
A: ask questions that build on the response
What is Sawyer’s main point about creativity?
A: Creativity is a skill that can be developed
Generalize: Sawyer says that “collaboration is key.” Consider what both selections say. Then explain how collaborating with others changes the creative experience.
A: Looking at others’ ideas and working with different types of people help artists think of their own new ideas.
What is the author’s purpose for telling about the painting at Boston Logan Airport?
A: to show that the program has produced work that is respected
Sawyer suggests taking breaks, working hard, and doing what you love to support the main idea that ___.
A: ordinary people can work to become more creative
Draw conclusions: Is creativity only useful in the arts? Base your conclusion on specific evidence from the text.
A: No. Many people who aren’t artists – such as businesspeople and scientists – can use creativity to find solutions to problems. The story about the NASA engineer who fixed the Hubble Telescope problem is a perfect example.