This weapon invented by Indigenous Australians is famous for its ability to return to its thrower
What is a boomerang?
What is ten tickles?
These animals are the number 1 producers of agricultural greenhouse gases, as they each produce 154-264 lbs. of methane per year
What are cattle?
This WWE fighter turned actor starred in films like Moana and Journey to the Mysterious Island
Who is Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson?
This is the most popular soda in the world
This is the correct response to when someone tells you "see you later, Alligator"
What is "in a while, Crocodile"?
The vessel in Jules Verne's 10,000 leagues under the sea is named after this spiral-shelled relative of the octopus and squid
What is a nautilus?
This type of fish is the most farmed in Canada
What is Salmon?
This mineral is a 10 on the Mohs Hardness Scale
What is a diamond?
Bubly sparkling water is a subsidiary of this major soft drink conglomerate
What is PepsiCo?
A bullet does this when it rebounds off another surface and continues flying
Scientists theorize that sightings of this tentacled sea monster of legend were actually giant squids
What is the Kraken?
These animals were domesticated by Indigenous South Americans for their wool, meat, and surefootedness as beasts of burden in the Andes
What are llamas/alpacas?
This icon is often known as the King of Rock and Roll
Who is Elvis Presley?
This is the official name for the lemon flavoured Sanpellegrino beverage
What is Limonata?
"Right Back at Ya" is the subtitle of the 2001 anime featuring this Nintendo character
Who is Kirby?
Cuttlefish ink was used to make this reddish-brown pigment used in early photography
What is Sepia?
The "3 sisters" cultivated by many Indigenous North and Central American cultures include corn, beans, and this crop
What is squash?
This granodiorite slab was used to decode Egyptian hieroglyphics
What is the Rosetta Stone?
This carbonated drink was originally developed to combat Malaria
What is tonic water?
This fencing term refers to a return thrust after parrying an opponent's attack
What is a riposte?
This famous eldritch abomination dreamed up by writer H.P. Lovecraft had the head of an octopus, the wings of a dragon, and a vaguely humanoid body
Who is Cthulhu?
Using sprinklers and digging canals are examples of this technical term for the practice of applying controlled amounts of water to crops
What is irrigation?
According to legend, kissing this piece of limestone endows the kisser with "the gift of gab"
What is the Blarney Stone?
This track immediately follows the song Video Games on Lana Del Rey's debut album, Born to Die
What is Diet Mountain Dew?