Receive Inventory
Meal Planning
Set up
This type of receiving is done when an order does NOT exist in the program.
What is Ad Hoc receiving?
This report will show you the usage history of an item.
What is the Inventory History report?
This is where a manager would go to enter future meal counts on the menu template for ordering purposes?
What is Meal Planning?
Typically, if a recipe needs to be changed/substituted, from the production screen, this button would be chosen to add or remove a recipe.
What is the Meal Planning Button?
Item Setup - This "unit" is the unit that is the smallest unit accounted for in issuing, production, and keeping of perpetual inventory
What is partial use units?
This type of receiving is done when an order has been placed through the Edison program to an outside vendor.
What is receive - order that has been delivered by a vendor?
This report will show you the differences between what was ordered and what was received.
What is the Order/Receiving discrepancies report?
In meal planning, this type of recipe generates the total meals planned counts in the Menu Line.
What is an entree?
An item is highlighted in this color during production when there is not enough inventory on hand.
What is red?
Sites & Categories Setup - This "path" is used to update menu templates for all schools at one time.
What is the Mass Update>Menu Templates button?
This button is used once on the receiving screen during an ad hoc receiving to add an item.
What is ad hoc - add item?
This report is used daily for staff to enter the number of prepared, served, and quantity pulled for individual items in recipes.
What is Production Worksheet?
When meal planning is opened, it defaults to which meal?
What is Lunch?
When the prepared count is changed in production, this button needs to be chosen to change the amount of ingredients used.
What is Recalculate quantities?
Recipe Setup - This is the total number of servings created from recipe ingredients.
What is the recipe yield?
When receiving from a vendor, which "add item" button should be used if the item is on a price contract for that vendor.
What is the add item from list button?
This is report is typically used for end of the month reporting. It is generated from the first and last calendar days in the month. It shows the beginning balance, received, issued and balance counts with dollar values listed.
What is the Perpetual Inventory Report?
This is the button used on Meal Planning to copy planned counts for a specified period.
What is the Automatic Planning button?
When a leftover is to be discarded and a number is entered in "remaining", this needs to be added before the production record can be saved.
What is a leftover note?
Ordering and Price Contracts - this box needs to be checked to keep anyone from changing the price of an item when receiving.
What is the Restrict Price Overrides button?
This report, run after receiving items, will give you information about items received.
What is the receiving detail report?
This report is typically generated to show the inventory counts as of today’s date.
What is Inventory on Hand report?
This "path" is used to see a list of recipes within the Meal Planning template.
What is View>Show Recipe Detail?
From the production screen, which button is used to record the number of reimbursable meals served?
What is Meal Counts?
Menu Template Setup - This is the order in which things have to be set up to complete a menu template. (setup order)
What is Items>Recipes>Menus>Menu Templates?