Word Choice

she loves to play soccer with her friends.

Which is correctly capitalized?

A) She loves to play Soccer with her Friends.
B) She Loves to play soccer with her friends.
C) She loves to Play Soccer with Her friends.
D) She loves to play soccer with her friends.

D) She loves to play soccer with her friends.


John went to his grandfather’s/grandfathers’ farm.

Choose the word that is spelled correctly.  



Choose the correct term.

Your/You're a very mean person.



I did the ____ on the race and won first prize.

Choose the best word for the sentence:

A) better
B) good
C) best
D) goodest

C) best


On a clear night, the moon and stars ____ to sparkle.

Choose the correct spelling:

A) seam
B) seem
C) seme
D) siem

B) seem


my birthday is in july.

Which is correctly capitalized?

A) My birthday is in july.
B) My birthday is in JULY.
C) My birthday is in JuLY.
D) My birthday is in July.

D) My birthday is in July.


All the cows had bells around their neck’s/necks.    

Choose the word that is spelled correctly.



I want to go to Disney World ____!

Choose the correct term.

A) two
B) too
C) to

B) too


The yellow car is _____ than the green one.

Choose the word that best fits.

A) large
B) largest
C) larger
D) biggest

C) larger


Named groups of stars can be ____ in the sky.

Choose the correct spelling:

A) fuond
B) fownd
C) found
D) fawnd

C) found


we are planning a trip to the grand canyon.

Which is correctly capitalized?

A) We are planning a trip to the Grand Canyon.
B) we are planning a trip to the Grand Canyon.
C) We are planning a Trip to the Grand canyon.
D) We are planning a trip to The grand Canyon.

A) We are planning a trip to the Grand Canyon.


The teachers helped pick out the many ______ books.

Choose the correct punctuation.

A) students
B) student's
C) studen'ts
D) students'

D) students'


I think I saw a cat over ___!

Choose the correct word.

A) there
B) their
C) they're

A) there


Spot ran/dashed downstairs to see his owner Sue when she came home.

Which word is more descriptive?



How do the weather people ____ what the weather will be?

Choose the correct spelling:

A) know
B) no
C) kno
D) nough

A) know


Kevin was reading a book called the cat in the hat.

Choose the sentence that corrects the errors in capitalization.
A) Kevin was reading a book called the Cat in the Hat.
B) Kevin was reading a book called The Cat in the Hat.
C) Kevin was reading a book called the Cat In The Hat.
D) Kevin was reading a book called The cat in the hat. 

B) Kevin was reading a book called The Cat in the Hat.


I will have to ask _____ mom if I can come over after school.

Choose the correct punctuation:

A) Tylers
B) Tylers'
C) Tyler's
D) Tyle'rs

C) Tyler's

Choose the correct term.

I did not dress up for the dinner; I just wore a plane/plain shirt and jeans.



When hiking, you should watch for animals that could be in the area. It is a good idea not to wander off of the trail. Use a map to help you see/discover new things along the way.

Which word is more detailed?



You realize that it is ____ outside as the storm clouds loom.

Choose the correct spelling:

A) reigning
B) raning
C) raining
D) raneing

C) raining


A student is writing a story about soccer for the class. The student wants to revise the draft to follow an order of events. Read the draft of the story and complete the task that follows.

Soccer is a fun sport. To play safely, you must dress in the right clothing. First, you need soccer shoes. You must get your foot measured to get the correct size. Next, you will need shin guards. These will keep your shins safe. Sometimes you may have to play in the rain on wet grass. You will need socks tall enough to go over the shin guards and hold them in place. Last, you will be given a team shirt. This will have your team colors, along with your last name and number. Once you have all the right supplies, you are ready to play!

Choose the one sentence that does not belong in the story because it does not follow the order of events in the rest of the story.

Sometimes you may have to play in the rain on wet grass.


A student is writing a letter for his class about tent camping. The student wants to revise the draft to improve the organization of ideas. Read the draft of the letter and complete the task that follows.

Dear Class,

My family and I love to take our tent out to a campground near a lake. We set up the tent and the rest of our campsite. Once we have moved in, we ride our bicycles around the campground. When the sun starts to set, we use sticks to roast marshmallows over the campfire. You should try tent camping too. One of my favorite activities is tent camping.

Your friend, Jeff

Click on one sentence in the letter that would be the best introduction for this letter.

One of my favorite activities is tent camping.


A student is writing an opinion article for the school newspaper about the need for new playground equipment. The student wants to revise the draft to improve the conclusion. Read the draft of the article and complete the task that follows.

Spencer Elementary needs a new playground. It is old, broken, and not safe for students. Since so much is broken, students have to take turns on the few things that are safe. This means not everyone gets to enjoy recess. A new playground could help students be active. Once students have been active, they will learn more.

Choose the sentence that would make the best conclusion.

A) In conclusion, a new playground costs a lot of money and takes time to build.
B) In conclusion, a new playground makes our school better for students and teachers.
C) In conclusion, teachers agree that a new playground would help their students learn more.
D) In conclusion, teachers think that students should have more time to play on the playground.

B) In conclusion, a new playground makes our school better for students and teachers.


A student is writing a formal letter for the principal about new books for the library. Read the draft of the formal letter and answer the question that follows.

Dear Mr. Thomas,
Can you pick new books for the library? There are many books missing. Some of these books go in order. If one is missing, then the student is not able to continue reading. I am reading a series and book four is missing.
Thank you,

Read the sentence from the paragraph. Can you pick new books for the library? Choose the best word to replace pick to make sure the student’s meaning is clearer.

A) order
B) choice
C) accept
D) receive

A) order


A student is writing an opinion paper for her class about ice cream. Read the draft of the opinion paper and answer the question that follows.

Ice cream is everyone’s favorite dessert. The cold, good treat is best on a hot summer day. Flavors come in chocolate, vanilla, strawberry, rocky road, and many others. You can get an ice cream cone with as many scoops as you’d want, or you can get it in a bowl. My favorite way to get ice cream is in a waffle cone.

The student wants to replace good to make the meaning clearer. Which two words would make the best word choices?

A) nice
B) tasty
C) happy
D) melting
E) delicious

B) tasty
E) delicious
