Which room is for the oldest kids?
Teen Center.
What is Mr. Matt's favorite drink to bring to Ed Lab?
Peace Tea
What is Ms. Martha's favorite color?
The Ed Lab store is open on ____day and ___day.
Tuesday and Thursday.
What are the daytime hours for BG?
Rainbow pride flag.
What is Mr. Matt's favorite football team?
Chicago Bears
How long has Ms. Martha been working at BG?
2 years and 7 months
What time is the Ed Lab store open?
What are the grades for the three age groups at BG?
Elementary: 1st-4th.
Juniors: 5th-7th.
Teens: 8th-12th.
How many lunch tables are there in the cafeteria?
What does Mr. Matt's water bottle sticker say?
Don't forget to :)
How many shelves does the store have?
Which two staff are siblings?
Ms. Isabel and Ms. Alicia are sisters.
Name 3 JR staff members.
Acceptable answers include:
What month was Mr. Matt born in?
What is Ms. Martha's favorite beverage?
Acceptable answers:
Iced Coffee (Starbucks!)
Diet Coke
What is the most expensive item in the store?
Large chip bags for 25.
What are 3 rules of BG?
Name any 3 rules. Acceptable answers include:
No fighting or play fighting.
No cussing.
Keep your hands to yourself.
No gum.
No running anywhere besides the gym.
Respect all staff members.
You only get 1 phone call per day.
No phones; only in the teen center.
What is the BG policy for snow days?
Snow days we are OPEN if the temperature if above 10 degrees. We are CLOSED if the temperature is below 10 degrees.
What does Mr. Matt eat for dinner at BG almost every day?
Salami/Peanut Butter Sandwich
Does Ms. Martha eat meat?
What is the consequence for stealing from the Ed Lab store?
Banned from store for 3 weeks.
Automatic orange.
Who is the CEO of the Boys & Girls Club of Greater Holland?
Ty Tanis.