Computational thinking skills
Copyright and Plagiarism
Computational thinking skill application
Learning theories

This computational thinking skill involves breaking down a complex problem into smaller, more manageable parts

What is decomposition?


The PICRAT framework is used to evaluate the impact of this on student learning.

What is technology?


This term describes the exclusive legal right granted to the creator of an original work to use, distribute, and authorize others to use it.

What is copyright?


In social studies, when students compare the causes of different revolutions, they are applying this computational thinking strategy.

What is pattern recognition?


This learning theory focuses on observable behaviors and believes that learning occurs through the process of conditioning.

What is Behaviorism?


This is the process of identifying patterns or trends in data to solve problems more efficiently.

What is pattern recognition?


In the context of PICRAT, using a word processor instead of handwritten notes is considered this level of technology integration.

What is replacement?


Failing to cite a source properly when using someone else's ideas or words in your paper is known as this.

What is improper citation or plagiarism?


This computational thinking technique is used in art class when students simplify a complex scene into basic shapes before drawing.

What is abstraction?


This learning theory is most associated with the use of digital tools and social networks in education.

What is Connectivism?


This term describes the process of creating a step-by-step solution or set of rules to solve a problem.

What is algorithm design?


Using technology in a way that fundamentally changes the way students learn is referred to as this in the PICRAT framework.

What is transformative?


This concept refers to the ethical obligation to respect intellectual property and the original work of others, central to avoiding plagiarism.

What is academic integrity?


When students write a step-by-step procedure for a lab experiment in science, they are practicing this computational thinking approach.

What is algorithm design?


This learning theory, unlike Behaviorism, suggests that learners are active participants in the construction of their own knowledge.

What is Constructivism?


The practice of focusing on the essential details while ignoring unnecessary information is known by this term.

What is abstraction?


In the PICRAT framework, when technology is used merely to substitute traditional tools without enhancing learning, it is this type of use.

What is passive?


A license that allows creators to share their work with the public while still retaining some rights is known as this.

What is a Creative Commons license?


In a music class, when students identify the common structure of different songs to create their own, they are using this computational thinking method.

What is generalisation?


According to Constructivism, this zone represents the area where a learner can perform a task with guidance, but not yet independently.

What is the Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD)?


This technique involves reusing solutions to similar problems by recognizing common structures.

What is generalisation?


When students collaborate online to co-author a research paper using a shared document, incorporating peer feedback in real-time, this falls under this PICRAT category.

What is Interactive-Creative (IC)?


This legal doctrine allows for limited use of copyrighted material without permission from the rights holders, typically for purposes like criticism, news reporting, or education.

What is fair use?


When planning a group project, students often divide tasks among themselves and later combine the work. This strategy reflects this computational thinking concept.

What is decomposition?


This Constructivist approach involves learners working together to solve problems and build knowledge, emphasizing social interaction.

What is collaborative learning?
