Lecture 1
Lecture 2
Lecture 3
Lecture 4

The time when it is most appropriate to assign a grade to an assessment. 

What is after instruction (to hold students accountable for their learning)?


The key characteristics of an instructional objective. 

What is observable and measurable? 


A lack of teacher objectivity may threaten this component of a classroom assessment. 

What is validity?


The negative effect of prejudgments and error in early assessments is on the ____ of the information teachers collect. 

What is reliability? 


The time when it is most appropriate for the teacher to make evaluative judgements about a student's performance.

What is prior to instruction (to diagnose students' needs), during instruction (to monitor progress), and after instruction (to hold students accountable for learning)?


The person whose responsibility it is to develop instructional objectives that are appropriate for a class. 

Who is the classroom teacher? 


Selected-response items and brief constructed-response items are BEST suited to test these.

What are knowledge and simple understanding?


Chose which of the following is NOT a way to improve the quality of early assessments.

A. Confirm initial impressions with follow-up observations. 

B. Observe directly the behaviour or characteristic of interest. 

C. Observe long enough to ensure the student's behaviour is typical.

D. Rely heavily upon formal, objective assessment information. 

What is D: Rely heavily upon formal, objective assessment information?


The time when a teacher should provide students feedback about their performance. 

What is prior to instruction (to diagnose students' needs), during instruction (to monitor progress), and after instruction (to hold students accountable for learning)?


Choose which of the following is the most complex task according to Bloom's taxonomy.

A. Reciting number facts

B. Writing spelling words

C. Matching states to their capitals

D. Comparing the main characters from two novels. 

What is D: Comparing the main characters from two novels? 


This is one way a classroom teacher can avoid introducing bias into a classroom assessment.

What is avoiding items based on stereotypes?


The behaviours students are expected to perform on summative assessments should be related to:

A. Higher-level thinking processes

B. Things all students have learned to do

C. The objectives and instruction provided

D. Skills all teachers could be expected to emphasize 

What is C: The objectives and instruction provided?


The MOST important goal of classroom assessment is to improve

a. student learning

b. teacher effectiveness

c. school accountability

d. student attitudes

What is a. student learning?


Learner Outcome: Distinguish materials that are attracted by a magnet from those that are not.

Choose which of the following instructional objectives best addresses the learner outcome above.

A. Students will buy a magnet and test it out with metal objects.

B. Students will identify magnetic and non-magnetic substances. 

C. Students will feel happy about testing out a magnet on things they brought from home. 

D. Students will work in small groups. Each group will have a magnet and will test out a number of substances to see if each substance is magnetic. Students will then classify the substances tested as either magnetic or non-magnetic and record their classification in a data table that is to be handed in and evaluated using the criteria on a rubric. 

What is B: Students will identify magnetic and non-magnetic substances?


Which of the following BEST explains why selecting an appropriate assessment is an important characteristic of high-quality classroom assessments?

a. Some methods are easier to create than others.

b. Some methods are more appropriate for students with special needs than others.

c. Some methods are better suited to certain types of outcomes than others.

d. Some methods are more reliable than others.

What is c. Some methods are better suited to certain types of outcomes than others?


The most important preparation for summative assessments

What is providing students with good instruction? 


Do assessment and grading have the same meaning in the context of measurement and evaluation?

No, as only summative assessments are graded.


What level of Bloom's taxonomy is this instructional objective targetting: students will select events in a television commercial to illustrate the selling technique being employed?

What is analyzing?


Using a properly calibrated set of bathroom scales to measure mood would be:

a. neither reliable nor valid.

b. reliable but not valid.

c. valid but not reliable.

d. reliable and valid.

What is b. reliable but not valid?


Planning formative assessment requires identifying these aspects.

What are objectives, learning and assessment activities, and topics for instruction?
