A method to help you and possibly those around you improve their understanding.
What is a Question?
This Australian animal has nothing to do with the bear family. AT ALL.
What is a Koala?
The man who made this game possible and passed away today.
Who is Alex Trebek?
A generic question often asked when you are confused.
The meaning of life.
Whatever you want, but mostly memes.
Creativity cascade, Communication crystal, Critical reflection Crucible, & Collaboration circles
What are Coherence Makers?
The ancestor of poodles.
What is a Wolf?
The original number of labours Heracles had to perform.
The opposite of zero.
What is the opposite of zero?
It has no mass, but could fill up a room.
The only reasonable way to have attended school this year.
What is Zoom/remote/online?
This animal moves an astounding, approximate 40 meters per day. Its extinct cousin were one of the biggest mammals during the Ice Age and had adaptations to Bipedalism.
What is a Sloth?
A Greek God who had severe marital problems. He literally has no equal.
Who is Zeus?
What state is gas found in?
A state of matter.
Explain this image.
I dunno. Whatever you want I guess.
The less preferred type of question.
What are close-ended questions?
One of the few animals that utilise tools and is capable of hunting and eating small crocodiles.
What is an otter?
The God whose planet got demoted.
Who is Pluto?
A vehicle that has wheels and flies.
What is a garbage truck?
A ___ was executed by public hanging in 1386 for the murder of a child.
Hint: It wasn't a human.
A reasoning process to help you make sense of an experience.
What is critical reflection?
The only animal whose biology enables them to survive space. Also has nothing to do with bears. AT ALL.
What is a Water bear/Tardigrade?
The Demi-God/God imprisoned by a Golden Crown after being trapped under a mountain for 500 years. Fun fact, he also sprung out from a rock.
Who is Sun Wukong?
A lemon has more ______ than a strawberry
How much wood could a woodchuck chuck?
Researchers at Cornell determined that a woodchuck could chuck about 700 pounds.