Refers to selling and buying things online and the necessity to tackle safety issues while using money in the digital world.
Digital Commerce
The experience of feeling overwhelmed with too much information.
Abbreviation of CMO
Collective Management Organizations
A type of malware that automatically delivers advertisements.
What is the Greek word of technology?
The ability to learn how to use technology and access information online.
Digital Literacy
The synthesis of Inspire and Interpolate, uniting in the birth of an idea.
Any copying of copyrighted material done for a limited and "transformative" purpose, such as to comment upon, criticize or parody a copyrighted work.
Fair Use
It equates a learning with changes in either a form of frequency of observable performance.
The rules or guidelines set within an organization for using the internet.
The idea against the original criteria and for feasibility.
True or False. Copyright does not protect ideas.
It is the electronic sending of mass unsolicited messages.
Learning is equated with discrete changes between states of knowledge rather than with changes in the probability of response.
Teaching students how to protect their psychological and physical well-being while using the internet.
Digital Health and Wellness
Sense of understanding of world-wide issues and events, respect for cultures and religions, and an attitude of acceptance and tolerance in a changing world.
Global Citizenship
Is when someone passed off the work of someone else as one's own or without acknowledgement of the original source.
It is a type of malware that disguises itself as a normal file or program to trick users into downloading and installing malware.
Trojan Horse
It do not deny the existence of the real word but contend that what we know of the world stems from our own interpretations of our experiences.
The status that all online users should own including students.
Digital Citizenship
2 components of Media Fluency
Input and Output
An Act Prescribing the Intellectual Property Code and Establishing the Intellectual Property Office, Providing for its Powersand Functions, and for Other Purposes
Relublic Act No. 8293
Give atleast 2 examples of malware symptoms.
Increased CPU usage, Slow computer or web browser speeds, Problems connecting to network, freezing or crashing, Modified or deleted files.
According to _______, technology significantly aids in students' assessment.