A ______________ is when a person who is impaired or disabled experiences a problem with the environment, which might include the attitude of others
What is the difference in arguing or dialoguing in the following form of conflict resolution:
arguer tries to persuade: dialoguer??
Seeks to learn
Two of the advantages for guided notes for the student are
1. Students must actively respond to and interact with the lesson's content and
A(n) ___________ disorder exits if a child can correctly make the sound, but does not always to it correctly.
Which is missing from the continuum of service and placement options?
general education classroom
general education classroom with consultation
general educations classroom with supplementary instruction and services
separate classroom
separate school
residential school
homebound or hospital
resource room
True or False?
IQ scores can change?
___________ ___________ ___________ is a formative evaluation involving frequent assessment of student progress in learning the objects that make up the curriculum in which a student is participating
True or False: Results from early intervention for students with ASD has not shown that it can significantly improve the successful range of achievement.
What did the 1972 Landmark Case in PARC vs Commonwealth of Pennsylvania rule?
The court ruled that students with intellectual disabilities were entitled to a free appropriate public education.
What is the missing principal of effective communication:
Accept parent's statements
Listen actively
Question effectively
Stay focused
One of Grossen's six principals for early instruction is to
Begin teaching _______ ________ directly in kindergarten.
Phonemic Awareness
Name three factors that might account for the sharp rise in the prevalence of autism spectrum disorder.
What is the next step in the special education process after planning an IEP.
Place in LRE (Least Restrictive Environment)
When developing a functional curriculum for a child with an intellectual disability, you should consider both the parent's and the __________ input.
Name two internalizing behaviors
Name two possible advices that you would give a colleague for a student who is stuttering.
Name two of the controversies32wq2eqwsws regarding full inclusion.
a) full inclusion advocates believe that education outside the general education classroom constitutes segregation and all negative connotations associated with it;
b) full inclusion advocates believe that the LRE implies that people with disabilities must earn the right to move to the LRE;
c) full inclusion advocates believe that the benefits of inclusion extend to students without disabilities;
d) full inclusion opponents insist that placing a child in a general education classroom without the appropriate supports and services provides no benefits and in fact may be harmful in as much as opportunity for education is lost; and/or
e) full inclusion opponents argue that some services are more appropriately provided not in the general education but in other settings.
Name three skills that are involved in self-determination training to live independently.
Name the three tiers of support in schoolwide positive behavioral interventions:
Tier 1 - Primary Prevention
Tier 2 - Secondary Prevention
Tier 3 - Tertiary Prevention
One of the reasons the pull-out method for special education service delivery might not be the best option is: