Let's Make a Test! (9-10)
Let's Make Another Test! (11)
Essays, Performance Assessments, and Portfolios, Oh my!
Preparing for Assessments and Grading Students
Ugh-Grades & Standardized Testing!

This is the part of the multiple-choice item that presents the problem to be solved.

What is the stem?

Chapter 10


The probability of randomly guessing the correct answer to a multiple-choice item increases or decreases as the number of alternatives increases.

What is decreases?

Chapter 11


Extended response essay items would be most problematic for this level of students.

What is elementary level?

Chapter 12


What is the best way to arrange items on a test?

A - From shortest to longest response time

B - From longest to shortest response time

C - From most difficult to easiest

D - From easiest to most difficult

What is from easiest to most difficult?

Chapter 14


Which of the following should NOT be reflected in a report card grade?

A- Level of mathematical problem-solving attained

B - Comprehension of advanced-level reading material

C - Achievement on a science project

D - Motivation to learn mathematics

What is D - Motivation to learn mathematics?

Chapter 15


When writing multiple-choice items, you discover that several items have the same options. This is the best thing to do.

What is rewrite the items as a matching exercise.

Chapter 10


Students should be assessed by requiring them to reproduce what was taught in class. True or false?

What is true?

Chapter 11


Ms. Jones' students keep all of their week's seatwork and homework assignments in a folder. At the end of the week they bring it home. Is Ms. Jones using a portfolio assessment method? Yes or No?

What is no?


Which of the following might a teacher say to the whole class if she wanted to mitigate any test anxiety students might be feeling?

A - "Read each question carefully and focus on what it is asking."

B - "You'll all do fine on this test."

C - "I hope you all studied hard."

D - "Does anyone need a restroom break before we take this test?"

What is A - "Read each question carefully and focus on what it is asking."

Chapter 14


Most of the major standardized achievement test batteries include options for performance tasks as well as multiple-choice items. True or false?

What is true?

Chapter 16


These types of test items assess a students' ability to judge the correctness of verbal propositions.

What are true-false items?

Chapter 9


This is why problem-solving and critical-thinking abilities are often assessed together.

What is these abilities are often used together in both real-life and academic situations.

Chapter 11


This is the first step when creating a performance assessment.

What is deciding what learning objectives the assessment will measure?

Chapter 13


An advantage to preparing an answer key before you administer the test to students is that you may identify mistakes in your test items. True or false?

What is true?

Chapter 14


This grading approach compares students to expectations for their own progress?

Self-referenced grading

Norm-referenced grading

Criterion-referenced grading

What is self-referenced grading?

Chapter 15


When crafting a completion item, it is best to use a statement taken verbatim from the textbook, delete an important word, and replace the word with a blank.  True or False?


Chapter 9


These types of items are appropriate for indirectly assessing students' ability to make inferences.

What are multiple choice items?

Chapter 11


Suppose correctness of spelling is not part of the learning objective being assessed with an essay test. This is how spelling should be handled when scoring the essays.

What is score spelling separately but give it a weight of zero in the students' total score.

Chapter 12


This is an example of how a teacher can use the results of an item analysis of classroom tests.

What is (any of the following): 

Help determine whether the items are functioning properly. OR

Give feedback to students about their performance. OR

Give feedback to the teacher about students' difficulties.

Chapter 14


Criterion-referenced grading bases grades on this.

What is the student's achievement of intended learning objectives?

Chapter 15


This is a situation when a teacher should NOT use the multiple-choice format for classroom assessments?

When there are only two possible answers AND when the items require a numerical answer

Chapter 10


When crafting best answer items, the teacher should guard against this error.

What is making the best answer the longest option?

Chapter 11


Which of the following procedures is least practical for a teacher to use as a way of improving the quality of assessment tasks?

A - Requesting a colleague in the same subject area to review the tasks

B - Trying out the tasks on a sample of current students before using them for evaluating the full group

C - Revising the tasks for use next year based on students' performance this year

What is B - Trying out the tasks on a sample of current students before using them for evaluating the full group

Chapter 13


Teaching the types of performance and thinking students need to do well on a classroom test increases the validity of the test results. 

True or False?

What is true!

Chapter 14


This is the function of percentile ranks.

What is they compare a student's performance to the performance of other students?

Chapter 17
