Chapters 1-3
Chapters 4-6
Chapters 7-9
Chapters 10-12

What does SMART stand for?

They are goals that are:

S - Specific

M - Measurable

A - Attainable

R - Relevant

T - Time-Based/Timely


What does VARK stand for?

Visual, Aural, Read/Write, & Kinesthetic


Do the quality of notes you take affect how much studying you need to do for a test? (Yes or No)



What is diversity?

The difference in social & cultural identities among people

+100 if specifics are given (i.e., diversity/differences in race, ethnicity, culture, age, religion, economic status, etc.)


What does GPA stand for? How does it affect your college life?

Grade Point Average - 

Answers may vary.


What are 3 (three) benefits of attending college?

Some acceptable answers are: improve fundamental abilities from secondary school, think about groundbreaking thoughts & viewpoints, create social networks, investigate & join understudy associations, take part in many school-bound organizations, network for improved job opportunities, find new interests & qualities you didn't realize you had.


What does MBTI examine?

It examines basic personality characteristics, including how they relate to human interaction & learning, & assigns you to a personality type.


What is the best way to help test anxiety?

Examples of acceptable answers: study, have confidence, etc.


What does it mean to market yourself (You Inc.)?

Understanding your brand - basically, what you bring to the table in terms of knowledge, skills, attitudes, behaviors, & values


What are the 4 formats of taking effective notes?

Cornell format, outline format, paragraph format, & list format


Your sister comes home from college for the weekend & you overhear a conversation she’s having with her roommate.   You hear that her roommate was caught with illegal drugs in their dorm room last night.  You begin to wonder if your sister participates in the same illegal activities.  Should you talk to your sister? If so, about what?

Answers should be along the lines of:

You should talk to your sister & find out exactly what the conversation was about. Explain that you are not trying to “tell” on her but you are concerned about her wellbeing & college education. If your sister does use illegal drugs, you should tell a parent & get her some professional help.


What is 1 (one) of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs?

Acceptable Answers: Self actualization, Self esteem, love & belonging, safety & security, or physiological needs


Cultural literacy is the ability to...?

...know & understand current & past events in your society.


Name 1 (one) thing you can do to improve your critical thinking skills.

Any of these are acceptable answers: ask questions, consider multiple points of view before drawing conclusions, make arguments, challenge assumptions/beliefs, examine evidence, recognize & avoid faulty reasoning


What are 2 (two) levels of Bloom's Taxonomy?

Acceptable answers: remember, understand, apply, analyze, evaluate, & create


What are the types of skills? Give a brief definition of them.

Personal - skills that come naturally or are learned through personal experience

Workplace - skills learned on the job or are gained through training designed to increase your knowledge or expertise in a certain area

Transferable - skills earned through a previous job, hobby, or even everyday life that can be transferred to a new job


What is 1 (one) way to listen actively with an open mind?

Acceptable Answers: Take a seat as close to the front of the room as possible and keep your eyes on the instructor, Be ready for the message, Focus on the main ideas, not just on facts and figures, Decide whether what you heard is not important, somewhat important or very important


What are the 3 (three) types of long-term memory?

Procedural, semantic, & episodic memory


What are 2 (two) things you can do to plan for your career?

Acceptable Answers: visit your college's career center, take self-assessments, do occupational & industry research for your field, get involved on campus & in the community, build on your strengths, develop your weaker skills, network, visit work environments, get/hold a job, or conduct an audit of your own online presence


Why might books not always be the best first source for information?

Example of acceptable answer: information can be outdated


Sarah constantly complains about the students being too loud in her dorm. She says they keep her up all night. What should Sarah do?

Sarah should contact her Resident Assistant, the student living on her floor who oversees the other residents. Sarah should explain her problem & the Resident Assistant will address the issue.


What are 2 (two) ways to be engaged?

Acceptable Answers: Working with others, (improving your thinking, listening, writing, & speaking skills), functioning independently & teaching yourself, managing your time, or gaining sensitivity to cultural differences


What are the 6 (six) types of tests?

Problem-solving, machine-scored, computerized, laboratory, open book/note, & take-home tests


Give 2 (two) ways that you can maintain your wellness.

Any of these are acceptable answers: managing stress, eating healthy/good nutrition, using substances responsibly, exercising regularly, sleeping enough, managing psychological(emotional) health, & protecting yourself/others against sexual assault/violence


What are 2 (two) important things to keep in mind for building the right mindset for the future?

Acceptable Answers: a college degree doesn't guarantee employment, you are responsible for your career, you must accept the risks that accompany employment & plan for the future, & career choice is not permanent
