What is advocate, teacher, researcher, life long learner
The guide and foundation on which teachers should plan curriculum and individual lessons within all learning domains
What is "early learning standards"?
the creator of the modern day kindergarten
What is "Freidrich Froebel"?
the acronym NAEYC stands for..........
What is the "National Association for the Education of Young Children"?
the wys in which people differ from one another
What is "diversity"?
The term early childhood refers to this span of ages
What is "Birth through age 8"?
a primary vehicle for children's learning and development in all domains
What is "play"?
known for the idea that children are "blank slates"?
What is "John Locke"?
The acronym DAP refers to ____________.
Explain the term.
What is "developmentally appropriate practice"?
the percentage of children who are now living in low-income sitautions in the US
What is "50%"?
an organized collection of work that refelcts your beliefs, experiences, and competencies as a teacher
What is "a professional portfolio"?
List at least 3 of the 8 types of intelligence, and give an activity example for each
Answers will vary
developed the idea of the "zone of proximal development"
What is "Vygotsky"?
Explain the term "culturally responsive practices".
What is "being able to teach diverse ways of thinking, dual langauge learners, children with diverse abilities, and children from diverse backgrounds in a way that shows value and respect to each child and family"?
Explain why we should not use the term "broken family".
Using the phrase "broken" implies that something needs to be fixed. Using this term could make children and families feel as though there is something wrong with them. It is not culturally sensitive to use this term.
Define the term "RTI".
What is "a popular 3 tier model that is based on data driven decision making, which increases in intensity and individualization as the child progesses up the hierarchy"?
Ways that teachers can ensure they are covering necessary content in a constructivist classroom
What is "utilize state standards, but allow for interest based activities"?
Devleoped the Multiple Intelligences Theory
What is "Howard Gardner"?
The law that ensured families that their child with a disability would be given equal access to learning environments.
What is "IDEA"?
Give 4 characteristics of a constructivist ECE classroom.
What is "hands-on, active, personal, supportive, dynamic, fluid, meanigful, etc."?
List at least ways teachers can utilize authentic assessments in the classroom
What is "performance assessments, portfolios, rubrics, work samples, observations, interviews, dynamic assessments, etc."?
Explain Bronfenbrenner's Ecologocal Systems Theory
What is "a theory that discusses 4 layers of direct and indirect influences in the lives of children: Macrosystem, Microsystem, Mesosystem, Exosystem"?
the 3 core concepts for teacher decision making as outlined in the DAP statement
What is "knowledge of child development, social and cultural backgrounds of the entire family, and individual development of the child"?
Define the acronym "SES" and discuss why this needs to be taken into consideration by teachers.
What is "Socio economic status"? This refers to the status within the community and society based on income level, economic stability, level of parents' education, and access to resources. Children from low SES are typically at risk for academic and behavioral problems.