Language Acquisition
Teacher Strategies
ESL/Bilingual Program Models
A stage of second language acquisition where the student is able to produce words in isolation and may start a conversation by pointing or using simple words.
What is the Early Production Stage (or Beginning)?
A strategy for helping students develop better speaking and written vocabularies. This strategy involves making charts of words discovered by students as they listen to or read stories. The words are then categorized, acted out, or connected to objects and context.
What is Collecting and Processing Words (Word Collections)?
The smallest unit of of language that can make a difference in meaning.
What is a phoneme?
A program model where students are pulled out of class to work on language that is tied to content.
What is ESL pullout content instruction?
Input that is slightly beyond a students current ability level.
What is Input +1?
A specialized area of the brain designed for language (according to Chomsky).
What is the LAD (language acquisition device)?
Lessons that place an emphasis on English vocabulary and usage. The language chosen is based on teacher observation and knowledge of forms and functions that give ELLs difficulty.
What are Language Focus Lessons?
The smallest unit of language that carries meaning.
What is a morpheme?
An approach that is still happening YET is ILLEGAL.
What is English Immersion?
A mental block caused by factors such as anxiety and boredom that prevents input from reaching the learner.
What is the Affective Filter?
anxiety, proficiency in L1, lack of motivation, social distance
What are some factors that can influence the acquisition of a second language?
A technique that is used to encourage meaningful discourse in the classroom. This technique encourages students to elaborate, clarify, support ideas, build on others ideas, and to connect, paraphrase and summarize.
What are Academic Conversations?
The study of the meaning of words or phrases when they appear in various sentences or contexts.
What is semantics?
The most widely used model of bilingual education where students are moved to all-English classes within 3 years.
What is Early-Exit Bilingual Education?
A model that focuses on sociocultural factors (social and psychological distance) that act on the language learner.
What is Schumann's Acculturation Model?
Babbling, one word stage, vocabulary explosion, two word stage
What are 4 major milestones in first language acquisition?
The steps in the Gradual Release of Responsibility Model of Reading
What are 1. Reading aloud; 2. Shared Reading; 3. Interactive Reading; 4. Guided Reading and 5. Independent Reading?
The study of the rules governing the way words are combined to form sentences.This is what most teachers think of as grammar.
What is syntax?
A program model where ELLS receive content instruction in both L1 and L2 for 4 to 6 years
What is a Late Exit or Maintenance Program?
This acts like an editor, checking what we produce when we are speaking or writing.
What is the monitor?
These can take 4 to 9 years to develop.
What are Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency Skills (or CALP, or Academic Language Proficiency
-asking students to point/draw/or circle, using realia, visuals, and an adjusted rate of speech
What are strategies that teachers can do to help support students in the Preproduction/Silent/or Emerging stage?
When the bands of tissue in the larynx are brought close together so that air passing through causes them to vibrate.
What is voicing?
An Additive Model (can either be one-way or two-way) with the goal of creating bilingual and biliterate students. Language is learned through content in both English and the first language of the English learners.
What is Dual Language?
According to this linguist, children acquire the basic rules of language without formal instruction. They can learn the rules of a language with little correction from others.
Who is Noam Chomsky?