LCAP...Is that when you wear your hat sideways?
Get your priorities straight!
S.P.S.A...It's fun to work on the S.P.S.A
What's School, got to do, got to do with it?
Show me the Money!!!
A document that helps districts set priorities based on community input, explains how it’s using that state money, and then enables parents and community members to locally enforce that this intent is being carried into practice.
What is an LCAP?
This state priority has schools surveying their students about the school setting more than they ever have in the past.
What is School Climate?
According to Education Code Section 52062, specific actions included in the LCAP, must be consistent with strategies included in this.
What is the Single Plan for Student Achievement?
Districts review these annually to be sure they are aligned with the LCAP.
What are the school plans?
It is because of the need to meet this percentage that districts are adamant about their LCAP and SPSAs being consistently in sync.
What is Proportionality?
This entity specifies what information must be included in each district’s LCAP.
What is the State Board of Education?
This state priority is often not a major focus for elementary school districts.
What is Access to Courses?
Proposals are pending with the State Board of Education to consolidate the SPSA with this document that is frequently referred to by its acronym name and also must be updated on an annual basis.
What is the SARC?
School plans are developed and approved by this group.
What is the School Site Council or Parent Advisory Committee?
These funds are provided to districts and schools for each student above the unduplicated count of 55%.
What is Concentration Grant funding?
In theory, these two stakeholder groups will hold schools accountable for how their LCAP is implemented.
Who are parents and the community?
This state priority allows a district to include educational initiatives that are being focused on locally.
What is Other Student Outcomes?
It is recommended that the Actions and Services in the SPSA are determined through this process (hint: it is commonly referred to as an acronym and rhymes with mole).
What is the FOL or "Focus on Learning" process?
School attendance rates, chronic absenteeism rates, dropout rates and graduation rates are some ways schools measure this.
What is student engagement?
These additional funds are provided for all unduplicated students in districts and schools funded by LCFF.
What is Supplemental Grant funding?
After local school board approval, this entity is charged with reviewing and either approving or denying district LCAPs.
What is the county office of education?
This state priority is all about the Mamas and the Papas.
What is Parental Involvement?
There are five elements of the FOL (Focus on Learning) process that should guide the development of the SPSA (name at least two).
What are the comprehensive needs assessment, analysis of instructional strategies, questions for annual evaluation, alignment with the state priorities, and the school profile?
Statewide assessments, benchmarks, progress toward English Proficiency exams, and reclassification rates are examples of how schools determine this priority area.
What is student achievement?
These are examples of site expenditures that MAY be included in a district's LCAP and/or SPSA (name at least three).
What are additional intervention staff, technological resources, professional development, class size reduction, intervention programs, instructional materials, and the old "categorical" programs?
One requirement of the LCAP is that districts describe the process used to consult with various Parent Advisory Committees, including this "muy importante" parent advisory committee.
What is the District English Learner Advisory Committee (DELAC)?
This state priority is often the one that districts link to the Williams Settlement.
What is Basic Services?
A "Comprehensive Needs Assessment" informs the development of the SPSA through these components (name at least one).
What are Action Plan Goals (needs statements), Priority or Focus Areas (critical student learning needs), and Measurement of Progress (expected progress)?
All schools and districts are required to involve this stakeholder group as their partners in student learning.
Who are parents?
These are examples of site expenditures that MAY NOT be included in a district's LCAP and/or SPSA (name at least two).
What are facilities, capital equipment, basic instructional supplies like pencils and paper, districtwide transportation, and base programs?