How many stages are in Piaget's Theory of Cognitive Development?
Theories of development: _____ vs ________
_____ is how someone is affected by their genetics
_______ is how someone is affected by their upbringing
nature vs nurture
Erikson said that people pass through _____ pyschosocial stages in their lifetime.
8 (eight)
Many children placed at risk develop what is called _____, the ability to succeed despite many risk factors.
_____ is defined as a change, or acquisition of information, in an individual caused by experience.
______ is the first stage in Piaget's theory that is about experiences through the sense and affects children ages 0-2
sensory motor
______ is a child changing to meet situational demands.
According to Erikson, what stage are young adults (you) in currently?
isolation vs intimacy
What is one way you can provide parent involvement to establish good relationships with their parents and have some influence on their home environment?
newsletters, positive calls home, home visits, family workshops, etc.
_______ increase the frequency of a behavior, and _______ decrease its frequency.
_____ and _____ are central in Vygostsky's Theory of Cognitive Development in social relationships
community and language
______ is the degree in which teachers feel that their own efforts determine the success of their students
teacher efficacy
___ and _______ depend on the experiences provided by the school and families, but they also follow predictable patterns.
social and emotional development
A ______ refers to individuals who are aware of a stereotype about a group to which they belong becoming anxious about confirming the stereotype.
stereotype threat
The Premack Principle
stage four of Piaget's Theory of Cognitive Development is called _________ where there is a deeper understanding of abstract thoughts (love/hate and success/failure)
formal operational
What are the four 21st century teaching skills?
critical thinking, collaboration, communication, creativity
The four types of play are: ________________
solitary play, parallel play, associative play, and cooperative play
What are some techniques that can be used to help learners who are ESL students or developing their english while in school?
enactive learning, clear instructions, provide safe opportunities, develop vocabulary, provide small-group instruction, etc.
_______ is when a skill is able to be performed in a variety of environments and is used properly, such as using "open" for opening a snack but also a door.
What is the key milestone in the sensory motor stage of Piaget?
development of working memory
Good teaching is described as self knowledge and self regulation, decision making, _______, and application of education research.
These aspects of children's development will be strongly influenced by their experiences at home, school, and with peers. What are these two aspects?
self esteem and self concept
What are some ways you, as a teacher, can ensure that the classroom is adequate for all learners no matter their race, religion, sexual orientation, etc?
ensure that a safe environment is established, have small group opportunities, provide choice (no matter how small it can seem), monitor situations and address them as they arise
If a child is receiving services, is given tokens after each response is correct and has a token board with 5 slots, the learner is on a ________ schedule.
FR5 (fixed ratio 5)