to specialise in
to major in
senior student
freshman, sophomore, junior student
проходной балл
Admission Grade Point Average (AGPA)
passing / pass grade / mark / score
admission score
something that is very easy to do
a piece of cake
to start work
to get down to work
to skip classes
to miss classes
to recomend
to advise against
хорошо владеть (языком)
to have a good command of (language)
To learn without comprehension
to learn parrot-fashion
to remain at the same level with someone
to keep up with someone
rich vocabulary
extensive, large, wide vocabulary
private education
public / state education
жаловаться на трудности
to complain of hardships
to do very well in the test/exam
to pass exams with flying colours
to pass an exam with a very low mark
to scrape through
to pass the exam by the skin of one's teeth (idiom)
to waste time
to idle away / to kill time
full-time department
correspondence department
платить за учебу (о родителях)
to put someone through (college, university, etc.)
to work late into the night
to burn the midnight oil
to do a job while you are a student
to work one's way through (college,university, etc.)
to be short of time
to be pressed for time
to mismanage one's time
to allocate one's time efficiently / wisely / productively
провести мастер-класс
to conduct / hold a workshop
you can only achieve something, for example become fitter, by suffering or working hard
no pain, no gain
study intensively before an exam
to swot up