
How often will we use math in life?

Everyday, we subtract times from racers. Add points for sports. Multiply when we buy more than one of something. Divide when we split a bill with friends.


Why is it important to learn history?

To learn from people's mistakes and successes. If we didn't learn from history science would not be where it is today and we would still be riding horses.


Why do we need to learn ELA?

To make better sounding sentences and paragraphs as well as increasing vocabulary.


Why do we need to learn Science?

It is good to know how or why things work the way they do. If we never did science we would be like cavemen.


Why is it important to learn to think for yourself and not just listen to others?

Not everyone tells the truth. It is important to learn how to find what is trust worthy.


When will you be able to use a calculator for math in class?

During High School when you do graphing exercises.


Name a famous historical event and why it would be important. (something that happened that could be in a book)

various answers.


i type lik this and i send a emal to apply 4 a job. Will I get the job?

No, they will look at it and then delete the email. Employers want proper sentences and grammar.


What is science?

Science is trying things and finding things that work and things that don't work. Then testing to make sure it works almost all the time.


This person said something that I don't believe and sounds crazy. What should I do?

Look for more information if it is safe. You can ask others about it as well to see if it is true or not.


Will what I learn in math now effect what I learn later in math?

Yes, math is all connected and if you are having a hard time you should ask for help to try to learn.


Why should you never try to attack Russia in the winter?

Every Army that has tried to fight Russia in the winter has lost because they could not handle the cold.


If I have trouble reading a word what can I do?

Try to break the word into syllables, sound out each part and combine them together. If you think it doesn't sound correct you can ask someone else.


Why is science important?

Science helps us find ways to improve lives. Some examples being Henry Ford's Assembly line for factories, vehicle engines and models improving miles per gallon and speed.


My friend says I should hate certain people because he doesn't like them. What should I do?

Explain that everyone is different and not everyone is the same. People may look similar but have a completely different look on everything else.


Why do I need to learn fractions?

Fractions become percentages and will help you divide things.


Why do people learn to hate other people in times of war?

Governments put out advertisements that make the people we go to war against look evil and less than human.


Why should I try to read more?

It will expand your vocabulary and help you read other words and other books.


Why don't some people want to believe scientists?

The scientists are saying things that go against what those people think and they refuse to change or do their own research.


I've been trying to do this problem for a long time, but it doesn't seem right. What should I do?

Ask for someone to look at it, take a short break and come back to it with a refreshed mind.


What jobs require you to use math?

All jobs use math, but some jobs like engineering and architecture use it a lot more.


Why do countries agree to never use certain weapons in war?

The weapons were called inhumane and unsafe. If a country is caught using those weapons all the other countries will do something to that country.


Are science and history articles easy to read?

Not all articles will be easy, but the information will be worth the troubles for reading.


Should we believe all scientists?

Not all scientists tell the truth, do some research before believing everything you hear.


How much work should I do before a take a short break?

Studies show that you should study or do work for up to 45 minutes straight before taking a short break (5-10 minutes) and then go back to work.
