Public school is free for children of Canadian citizens and permanent residents from ages 5/6 to this age.
Mental health issues among students have become a growing concern, especially after this global event.
covid 19
The cost of higher education (university or college) has significantly ___ burdening students and families.
This percentage of Canadian children attend public schools.
Name two mental health issues that have intensified among younger people.
anxiety and depression
To better support teachers, more emphasis should be placed on this kind of support.
Faculty Support
Education in Canada is primarily funded by this level of government.
Provincial government
Early childhood education is not supported by this entity despite its importance.
This recommendation could alleviate the burden of high costs and living expenses on students pursuing higher education.
funding support (ie. scholarships, subsidies)
Canada is ranked as one of the highest achieving countries in terms of education by this organization.
OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development)
Full-time care before kindergarten costs a family in B.C. approximately this amount in child care fees.
The high costs of higher education can lead to increased amounts of this for students.
A majority of problems proposed can be solved with additional what?
government subsidies have been used to make higher education more affordable to citizens of canada. As such, we can conclude that the country uses a welfare economic system, meaning that higher tax and higher government spending is in place. As a result, which statistics may result higher when compared to another similarly sized country but with a lassiez-faire economic system? Which ones are lowered?
What is higher gini, lower gdp (many answers are allowed)