Primary school
The school you attend from ages 5 to 11
Students who go to school between the ages of 5 and 11 go to which type of school?
What do we call the most important exams at the end of the scholastic year?
What is the tallest mammal on Earth?
Middle and Secondary school
The school you attend from ages 11 to 16
Things like "school-leaving certificate, diploma, degree" which are usually necessary for a job, are called...
What do you take at the end of the scholastic year?
The 3 most important o'levels in MALTA are ...
Who wrote Romeo and Juliet?
William Shakespeare
The outline of a course or subject
Your teacher wants to test if you are good at something particular within a subject or for a specific LO, it is called...
SBA - School-Based Assessment
What type of school do you start going to when you are 11?
Middle school
What qualification do you get when you leave university?
Degree or Master's degree
What is the process of water turning into vapour called?
The time and attention given to gain knowledge for a subject learnt at school
Within one whole scholastic year, we have 3 "parts". These are called...
If you do well, you get an 80-90 out of 100.
If you do badly, you get a 30-40 out of 100.
These are examples of ....
Marks or Grades
Maths, English, and Maltese are ..... subjects.
What gas do humans need in order to live?
School-leaving certificate
An official document showing that you completed your secondary education
When you read words from the board or in your textbook, and you write them down on a foolscap, what are you doing?
What are those subjects called that you don't have to study for them, but you can if you want to by choosing them?
Optional subjects / Option
What is the capital of Australia?