Name these...
True or False

Name two pros and two cons to consider about trade school


Shorter time period to complete--you can get to work sooner!; inexpensive and can often be paid for; sometimes you will be paid to apprentice while you complete the program; some trades are in high demand and you will always have work available; some trades pay great right after graduating and over the long-term.


Limits your ability to switch into a different career or try different fields (to do so, likely you would need to return to school); narrow scope of learning instead of strong foundation in writing, math and critical thinking; may have lower earnings potential over the long-term


True or false: Careers in trade don't pay that well.


Depending on the trade, you can make great money!


Machinists average salary is $24/hour

Radiology technician average salary is $45/hour

Cosmetologist average salary is $28/hour

Web designer average salary is $35/hour


When are applications due?

Most of Utah's trade, 2-year and 4-year schools allow you to apply anytime before the 1st day of school. 

However, it's REALLY great to apply as early as you can because once you are admitted you can apply to scholarships through your school. The earlier you apply to college, the more scholarship opportunities you will have. (Check out page 26)

The three schools who have admissions deadlines are: BYU, University of Utah & Utah Valley University.


You don't love school but you don't hate it, and the thought of working with your hands is appealing.

Explore the trades! 


Name two pros and two cons to consider of 2-year school


Much less expensive than a 4-year school: SLCC = $4,257 and the UU = $9,400; tuition and fees can often be paid for through the Pell grant; gives a great foundation in math, English and critical thinking and can also provide an employable skill; credits can be transferred to a 4-year school; many schools provide great supports; can give you time to explore fields of study.


Requires organization and focus; can be academically challenging; use your funding wisely to avoid debt; may be hard to balance work and school; takes 2 years (full-time); some majors may not be immediately employable; failing classes can harm your ability to get financial aid in the future--make sure you're ready to be there when you go!


True or false: you are guaranteed to get a well-paying job as soon as you graduate with a bachelor's degree.


While a bachelor's degree may mean you are more likely to make more money over the course of your life, you may not start out this way right after graduation:

The median earnings for early career bachelor’s degree recipients ranged from $32,100 a year (early childhood education majors) to $62,000 (computer science majors). By the time graduates have reached mid-career, median earnings ranged from $41,000 to $95,000.

This also depends heavily on your major! 




What is open enrollment and which schools in UT are open enrollment?

When all applicants with a high school diploma or GED are accepted.

Utah Tech 


Snow College


USU Eastern


Weber State

All trade schools (p28)


The idea of going to school feels awful

Don't go! Take 1-3 years to work, heal, connect. 


Name two pros and two cons to consider for a 4- year school


Strong support programs at the school; great campus life and ability to meet new people; can explore different fields of study; strong education; with the degree, you can often move between careers after graduation; on-campus housing


Expensive! The Pell grant only covers part of your tuition and fees. Possible that you will go into debt to get your degree.

Takes a long time to complete (4 years or more full-time)

College life can take a toll on mental health, whether that's from the workload and stress, rapid due dates, or the social life.

Starting the degree and then stopping partway through is really challenging financially! Make sure you're ready to be in school when you go!

Depending on your major, you may not experience the financial benefits of the degree at first


True or False: You can't get a degree at a trade school.


Based on the trade, you might get a degree. Plenty of trade jobs do not require degrees, they require certifications, which trade schools do offer.

Also, many 2-year schools offer degrees in a trade as part of your associate's.


What is FAFSA and the Pell Grant?

FAFSA = Free Application for Federal Student Aid

Everyone should fill it out when it opens (usually Oct 1; this year December)

Anyone in foster care after their 13th birthday qualifies to receive the full Pell Grant through FAFSA. The full Pell grant is just over $7,000 per year. This covers the tuition/fees of many (but not all) schools and certificates in Utah.

You will need your Proof of Ward document to ensure you receive the Pell Grant.


You don't want to be in Utah anymore.

There are pathways for going out of state! You are not stuck here.

One good pathway: move somewhere that appeals to you (change your residency status to that state) and work for 1 year. After a year, you can usually qualify for in-state tuition (which is much cheaper) at the schools in your state.
