If my child has moved, but the home is in the same school zone?
What two forms need to be completed within 5 days of a child’s placement
Educational status and BID
At an IEP meeting, who can sign for service implementation and annual reviews?
The parents or legal guardian
If it is determined the child needs to enroll in a new school, what happens next?
Complete the immediate enrollment form
Who scheduled schedules the BID and Educational Service meeting?
DSS Social worker
If my child is moving from New Hanover to Brunswick county…
At what age do you start completing the child education status form
What is the minimum each child’s educational needs must be reviewed?
Every 90 days
If it is summer, and your child has moved, who do you contact to schedule a BID
School administration or local county ESSA coordinator
Who provides outpatient individual and family therapy at school?
School based mental health
If my child is moving from a home in the Ashley district to the Laney district…
When should the child education status form be updated?
Every 12 months or any time there is a change in schools/placement move
What is the one thing that cannot be considered when determining best interest?
Transportation cost
If there was no BID meeting, when is the educational service meeting needed?
Within 30 days
Who provides comprehensive supports and services as needed to students and their family?
The school social worker
If my child has moved but the home is in the same school zone, but all the other siblings will be moved do a different school within the county…
What form needs to be completed at the educational service meeting?
The BID form
What 3 things need do school staff completed, which we should follow up on?
Foster care transportation form, foster care nutrition form, the child placed into appropriate classes and services
If, the child will remain in the same school or if a move happens before a BID meeting is held, what is needed?
Completion of placement change form
Who is required to be at a BID meeting?
SW, the child (depending on age,) parents, GAL and school point of contact