Home Visits
Ready to Learn
Why do we screen the children? a. To weed out the bad kids. b. To give the staff more paperwork. c. To identify concerns regarding the child’s development. d. To identify children who may need a referral
What is c and d
What is the timeline for DRDP assessments.
What is 60 days, 150 days, in May
True or False: The parent fills out the home visit form.
What is false
Three ways to prepare your classroom for newly enrolled children.
What is name on cubby, name tag, reduce amount of materials on shelves.
Two ways you can reflect culture and diversity in your classroom
What is photographs of families Materials, books reflect diversity.
The timeline for completing education screenings
What is 45 calender days
What do we do with Assessment Information? a. file and forget it b. Establish goals and make an individual plan for each child c. Use the results to plan staff trainings and order educational materials
What is b and c
Why do we conduct home visits? a. To spy on the parents. b. To introduce the child to their teacher in a comfortable environment. c. To provide time for the parent to share knowledge of her child.
What is b and c
Three strategies to comfort crying children
What is: acknowlege their feelings try to engage them in an activity offer comfort with a hug or sitting on your lap
When learning a second language what skill comes first understanding the language or speaking the language.
What is understanding the language.
three reasons that may cause a child to fail a screening
What is has not adjusted to school, not screened in first language and has a speech delay
Can you rate a child integrating at the beginning of the year?
What is yes
What forms are completed during the home visit
What is home visit form and DECA Questionaire
CSB Potty Learning Expectations: A. If they are not potty trained, we do not want them. B. No pull-ups. They give children a false sense of security. C. The teacher decides how to potty train the child. D. Potty learning plans are established with families who will continue practices at home.
What is D
Name two strategies to involve families of ELL children in our program
What is visiting experts written communication in home language volunteering in the classroom
when a child fails a screening what is your next step
What is re-screen within 30 days
Do you rate all the DRDP measures for every child
What is no, do not answer ELD questions children who only speak English at home.
Name three places to conduct a home visit.
Child's home, restaurant/library, at school
Three CSB mandated classroom displays that support classroom management
What is classroom rules, chore charts, daily schedule for children.
Two myths about learning a second language.
What is Learning more than one language is confusing for children. Learning two languages slows down a child's readiness to learn.
Three common errors on Brigance
What is correct answers multiplied incorrectly, total score miss added, recommendations section not filled out
Name the most common error on the DRDP
What is not filling out the evidence section.
3 materials handed out during the home visit
What is CSB Developmental Brochure Handwashing/Toothbrushing guidance toothbrush
Four positive guidance and discipline strategies for dealing with behavioral concerns.
What is ignore restructure the environment offer choices problem solve
Three strategies for supporting English language learners.
What is learn some words in the child's home language. Use objects or pictures to help children grasp English Label objects in English and child's home language. Let children respond in their home language.