What is the purpose of an amendment?
An amendment adds, deletes, or changes an operative clause in a draft resolution, and is used to strengthen consensus on a resolution to move it towards passing.
What are the 3 modes a committee could be in?
Unmoderated Caucus, Moderated Caucus, and Resolution Debate.
What is a motion to adjourn?
This motion closes the committee proceedings at the end of the conference and is only in order at the end of the last session.
What are all the parts of an introduction according to parle pro?
- [Name]
- [Delegation]
- Representing [Country]
- Thank you Sir/Madam Chair
When does an amendment author become a sponsoring author of the resolution?
What can you not do at any time during committee?
Go from “Unmoderated Caucus” to “Resolution Debate”.
This is a motion to suspend proceedings until the next session as outlined in the conference schedule.
How to yield time?
I yield the remainder of my time to the (chair/delegation/summation)
What is a friendly amendment?
A friendly amendment is a change to the draft resolution that all sponsoring authors agree with.
Who chooses the time limit for unmoderated caucas?
The committee chair
What is a motion to move to unmoderated caucus?
A motion to Move to Unmoderated Caucus is a motion to have a short time period to informally discuss the issues at hand and arrive at compromises in the form of resolutions.
How to ask an author questions?
Will the author yield to a series of questions? I reserve my right to speak thereafter (make sure to reserve your right to speak thereafter if you would like to make comments)
What is an unfriendly amendment?
An unfriendly amendment is a change that some or all of the resolution authors do not support and must be debated and voted upon by the committee.
What is a more formal debate version of moderated caucus?
Resolution debate
What is a substantive motion?
A substantive motion initiates a deliberative process on a substantive matter. These motions are in order during Moderated Discussion and Resolution Debate. They include motions to hear resolutions and amendments. These require a second and a simple majority vote to be heard on the floor. They also require a simple majority vote to pass during voting procedure.
How to start a motion?
"I motion to:"
How do amendments get passed?
Amendment debate and having a simple majority vote
How long do you get for opening statement in resolution debate?
2 minutes
What is a motion to close debate?
A motion to close debate is when a delegate motions to end debate, and it needs to be approved by 2/3 of the committee. If this is passed it ends debate instantly and goes to closing debate.
How to motion to hear an amendment?
I motion to hear the amendment on the floor authored by (author name).