Educational System
Primary education
Secondary education
Higher education

What is the aim of British education?

To develop to the full the talents of both children and adults for their own benefit and that of society as a whole.


When does primary education start and finish?

At the age of 5 to 11.


Is secondary education compulsory in the UK?

Yes, secondary education is compulsory until the age of 16. However, students must remain in some form of education, training, or work with training (like apprenticeships) until they are 18.


How is higher education provided in the UK?

It is provided by universities or colleges.


Is it true that students wear uniform in the UK?


What is the main difference between the education systems in the UK and many other countries?



When does secondary education start and finish in the UK?

Secondary education in the UK typically covers students aged 11 to 16, with the option to continue in sixth form or college from ages 16 to 18.


When were the first universities set up?
When were founded Oxford, Cambridge, Glasgow and Edinburgh universities?

The first universities were set up in medieval times and Tudor times.

Oxford-1096, Сambridge - 1209, Glasgow -1451, Edinburgh - 1582.


What are 2 main types of school in Britain? What's the difference?

State(public) are founded by government and private(independent) are funded by the parents.


How is state-supported school education funded?

By LEA (Local education authorities).


What exam do students usually take at the end of compulsory education? At what age?

GCSE (General certificate of secondary education). At the age of 16.


What is Open University? When was it founded?

In 1960's. An open university is a university with an open-door academic policy, with minimal or no entry requirements. Open universities may employ specific teaching methods, such as open supported learning or distance education. 


How many stages does British education have? What are they?

3: primary, secondary, tertiary (higher)


When does compulsory education begin in the UK?

At the age of 5 in England, Wales and Scotland, and  4 in Northern Ireland


Primary education comprises ...

(name Key Stage(s)

Key Stage 1 & Key Stage 2


What is the school year structure for secondary education?

The school year typically runs from September to July and is divided into three terms:

  1. Autumn Term (September–December)
  2. Spring Term (January–April)
  3. Summer Term (April–July)

What qualifications are offered in higher education?

  • Undergraduate degrees: Bachelor's degrees (e.g., BA, BSc, BEng).
  • Postgraduate degrees: Master's degrees (e.g., MA, MSc, MBA) and doctoral degrees (PhD, DPhil).
  • Other qualifications: Higher National Diplomas (HNDs), Foundation Degrees, and professional certifications.

What's the name of the institution through which students apply to university?



What can you say about nursery education in the UK?

Age: mainly 3-5.

Not compulsory, can be provided in nursery schools and nursery classes attached to primary schools


What are the main types of secondary schools in the UK?

The main types of secondary schools include:

  • Comprehensive schools: Open to all students regardless of ability.
  • Grammar schools: Selective schools that require students to pass the 11+ exam.
  • Academies and Free Schools: Independently run but funded by the government.
  • Independent (private) schools: Fee-paying schools that operate outside the state education system.

What is UCAS? How does it work?

UCAS (Universities and Colleges Admissions Service) is the centralized system for applying to undergraduate courses.

Applicants submit a personal statement, academic references, and predicted grades. Universities then review applications and make offers.

In the application an applicant can list up to five universities or colleges in order of preference. Applications must be sent to UCAS in the autumn terms of the academic year preceding that in which the applicant hopes to be admitted. The UCAS sends a copy to each of the universities or colleges named. Each universities selects its own students.


What is National Curriculum?

What are the core subjects?

It determines the contents of what will be taught, and set attainment targets for learning. It also determines how performance will be assessed and reported.

Core subjects: English, mathematics, science.
