This type of instruction is planned and delivered in a logical, sequential, and organized manner
* Systematic instruction *
Logical- Order of skills are connected and make sense
Sequential- Build on each other
Organized- Lesson planning
Individualized education plan
- Tell me the Core 4 assessments
- Tell me 2 Bloom assessment options
Warm Up
This instruction strategy is very similar to explicit instruction-
A) Modified
B) Direct
C) Think Pair Share
B) Direct !!!
- Direct instruction is the design of the instruction (The teacher controls the pace and content of the lesson, and students are expected to listen attentively and follow instructions. Direct instruction is often used to teach foundational skills or factual information)
- Explicit instruction is how the teacher delivers the content (The teacher clearly states the learning objectives, provides clear explanations, models the desired skills or strategies, and provides ample opportunities for guided and independent practice.
- Explicit instruction is often used in conjunction with direct instruction, but it emphasizes the clarity and precision of the teacher's communication. It's about making the learning process transparent for students
Individuals with disabilities education act
- provides FAPE
4 step plans are completed after assessments
- What is step 2?
Target skills
Lesson objective
clear statement of what a student is expected to learn or be able to do by the end of a lesson
When scaffolding instruction, teachers first make the complex content (bigger picture) more accessible to students by doing what? Choose all that apply -can earn the points if 1 or fewer answers are excluded-
A) differentiating
B) chunking material
C) defining mastery standards 1st day (overall skill demonstrated for mastery)
D) breaking down parts
E) activating prior knowledge
A) differentiating
B) chunking material
D) breaking down parts
E) activating prior knowledge
** Defining big picture mastery right away may discourage student engagement/ understanding
- every student has a right to this
- our schools helps districts provide this in an alternative setting
LRE Decision Making Model
Put these in order
Direct instruction
Independent practice
Guided practice
Direct instruction
Guided practice
Independent Practice
In all learning pathways, teacher-led rotations use this strategy to teach new skills
(multiple answers accepted)
- direct instruction
- modeling
- explicit instruction
How do students qualify for an IEP
Have a disability that adversely impacts educational performance
IEP Tracking Matrix
Student-friendly version of the lesson objective
__ ___ _______
I can statement
A) write it all out to show students the final answer
B) Coach/ explain your thought process when solving a problem
- Students learn with repetition. Create a cadence of probing questions/ steps to walk through in your head to best help them absorb and apply content
Tell me 3 sections of an IEP
Present level
Related Services
Form G
iReady's worksheet hub
Teacher Toolbox
Phrase for parts of a lesson-
__ do, __ do, __ do
I do, we do, you do