Understanding Feelings
Recognizing Healthy Relationships
Planning for Discharge
Supportive Relationships
Goal Setting

What is a feeling?

An emotion or an emotional perception or attitude


Name the 6 forms of abuse

Emotional/Verbal, Physical, Sexual, property damage, economic, spiritual


Discharge planning should occur as soon as you are ___________!

Admitted into custody!


What is a supportive relationship?

A relationship that gives each other support, approval and help to cope with stress and problems to feel healthy


How people set goals often affects the _______ people make.



Name 3 signs of suppressed feelings.

Muscle tension, physical pain with no medical cause, depression, boredom, agitation or anxiety, dizziness and involuntary urges to overeat, overspend, and abuse alcohol or drugs


Unhealthy relationships have a ____________.

Power imbalance

What is Ontario Parole? 

Parole is a form of early release that lets people finish the rest of their sentence in the community with conditions.


What are 3 qualities of a good supportive person?

Provides helpful suggestions

Tries to understand you

Good communication skills 




What is goal setting?

Goal setting is identifying what someone wants and how they intend to pursue it in the future. A goal is a Thought about the future that someone attempts to make happen.


What are some possible sensations you may feel when you are experiencing sadness?

Lump in your throat, narrowing, empty, low, constriction of the chest, watery eyes


What 2 specific characteristics do healthy relationships consist of that will help in meeting all parties needs? 

Good limits and boundaries

What factors should someone consider when they are discharge planning?

• Money

• Housing 

• Transportation 

• Employment 

•Special needs (counselling, addiction services)

•Health care

• Food 

• Friends (supportive or need to be avoided)

 • Physical health needs

 • Leisure time

 • Clothing  


What is the difference between a friend and an acquaintance?

A friend is someone with whom we have a deep emotional bond, trust, and loyalty. They provide us with support, share common interests and activities, and play a significant role in our lives. Whereas, an acquaintance is someone we know casually, with limited interaction and shared experiences.


The way people think about a situation and set a goal affects how they feel and their expectations and ultimately affects their ________. 



What is the ABC Model?

Activating Event, Belief, Emotional Consequence 


Throwing objects, destroying sentimental objects, damaging clothing, punching holes in walls are considered what type of abuse?

Property Damage


What is a TAP?

Temporary Absence Program or Permit


What are 5 benefits of supportive relationships?

• Assists people when coping difficulties occur 

• Feel more connected, valued, respected and cared for in the world 

• Feel less lonely and isolated, not hurtful or harmful to selves or others 

• Provides positive, pro-social beliefs, attitudes, morals, role modelling, etc. 

• Assists in the ability to bond, self worth, communication skills, etc. 

• Establishes good limits and boundaries 

• Have the person’s best interest in mind, provide guidance and direction 

• Assists the person in remaining out of legal difficulty 

• Promotes self reflection, goal setting 

• Helps with recovery, making good decisions


What does S.M.A.R.T stand for? 

Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Timely.


What are the 5 steps for accepting feelings?

1. Recognize your feelings 

2. Talk to someone supportive 

3. Talk with Others

4. Take mental health breaks

5. Recognize the need for professional help


What are 5 effects that an abusive/unhealthy relationship has on a family. 

• Not sleeping properly 

• Nausea and/or headaches

 • Kids see it – male children could repeat the pattern 

• Kids more anxious, angry and upset

 • Abuser feels bad about his behaviour

 • Abusing alcohol or drugs

 • Anxiety or depression

 • Missing classes or taking time off work

 • For children, lower marks in school

 • Constantly trying to do what they want

 • Lying to external family members

 • Feeling like you can’t trust others

 • Losing touch with who you are and what is important to you, your own opinions, feelings, friends, family

 • Having less confidence in yourself

 • Feeling alone and afraid to tell someone

 • Withdrawing from supports in the community and family 

• Physical damage (broken bones, scars, general health diminishes)


Name 4 reasons why someone might need a discharge plan.

• Arrange travel or transportation 

• Not to go back substance use

 • To avoid and addressing those things that may cause trouble with the law (e.g. what led to their incarceration) 

• Connect to supports 

• Stay away from the street 

• Avoid unhealthy relationships, bad habits


List 3 examples on how a person can manage conflict effectively?

• State your hurt or complaint as objectively as possible - try to keep as much emotion as possible out of the conversation, 

• Share your complaint in private, not in public. 

• Let the other person know that you are not unhappy with the whole relationship, just part of it - the problem that you are concerned about. 

• Don't make threats to end the relationship, as this is an attempt to intimidate. 

• Don't accuse or attack the other person - use 'I 'statements. 

• Don't exaggerate the issue.

 • Look for a solution.


What are the 2 different models for how people view life? 

Staircase and Rollercoaster

Staircase model think they can control some things in their lives, set goals, and move forward. These folks make plans, set targets, etc.

Roller Coaster beliefs think things happen to them and there is no point in trying, as they really can’t control the ride. It is senseless to try to plan things as they never work out - my efforts don’t make a difference  
