This resource was recently added to the Banker Homepage to check I.D.'s.
Foreign I.D. Guide
What are the two metrics for the Q1 campaign?
1) New Investment Clients Per Licensed Banker
2) CPC Onboards With Investments
What does DEI stand for?
What enables a client to receive a survey?
Performed transaction or maintenance.
Who needs to be recorded in VIEW?
Non-branch employees not assigned to branch
What are the two ways to qualify for Chase MyHome activation?
Complete the Home affordability calculator
Requests purchase or refinance rates
What are our Values in Action?
Heart <3
How many days does a customer have to complete a survey?
7 days to complete survey.
Weekly cutoff of Wednesday for surveys to show up for that same Friday
Finish The Sentence:
Employee doesn't need to verify check negotiability or endorsement for any of the checks if it’s _________ or more checks.
This I.D. cannot be used as for account opening but may be used for some maintenance or transactions.
Passport Card
What are the 3 Ways to invest?
Private Client Advisor
Financial Advisor
Self-Directed Investing
Name that BRG:
Provides access to the tools that enable the successful development, advancement, and retention of women
Women On The Move
Are e-mailed surveys conducted in languages other than English? If so, what are they?
Spanish and Modern Chinese/Mandarin for clients who have indicated their preferred language.
List the 4 different Deposit type options.
Combination envelopes must be properly sealed and have what following information when stored in the Keybox?
What are the minimum investment requirements/suggestions for each?
PCA = >100k
PA = >25k
Self-directed = no minimum (but to count for Q1 campaign need a minimum $1,000)
When is International Transgender Day of Visibility?
March 31st
How soon do customers receive a survey & follow up e-mail reminder?
The next business day after the branch visit & reminder email 3 days later if not completed.
List the 3 different options on the Deposit Hold screen.
What are the 3 reasons for a new signature card?
Legal name change, ownership change, tax filing status
When would you refer a customer to Business Direct Center (BDC) AND Business Relationship Manager (BRM)?
BDC - Client requesting loan of 90k with revenue of 900K
BRM - Client requesting a loan of $50,000 with $1.5M in revenue
What does the abbreviation of the BRG VETS stand for?
Voices For Employees That Served
How often can a client receive a survey invitation?
Once a customer has been selected for an OSAT survey, they will be excluded from receiving any other surveys for a three-month resting period.