Where did the Aryans migrate from, and how did the Aryans change as they migrated into India? /Aryan Migration
The aryans migrated from the hindu kush mountains
How did Hinduism develop in India?
Hinduism developed in india when the aryans came to india
What did Buddhists think of the caste system?
Buddhists generally rejected the caste system
What are thing that Hindus Believe in that buddhists may not believe in
Hindus Believe in the caste system
What was the caste system? Why were people in a specific place in the caste?
The caste system is social hierarchy. Because they were born into it
What were the main social classes of the Aryans? Which class held most of the power? Which classes held the least power?Aryan Migration
The main social classes were brahmin,kshatriyahs,vaisyas,sudras the most powerful was kshatriyahs
What is Moksha?
Atmans became perfect, it would become one with brahman again
What is Nirvana?
state of enlightment
How are dharma, karma, and reincarnation related?
Following your dharma gets you good karma and Good karma would be reincarnated into a higher class atman with bad karma would be reincarnated into a lower class
How did they move throughout the caste system?
By following your dharma you can level up in the caste system,If you do not follow your dharma you would not level up
What are the Vedas and the Rig Veda?Aryan Migration
The vedas are prayers, religious stories, poems. The rig veda was one of the main collections of vedas
What is Sanskrit, how does it relate to Hinduism.
Sanskrit is the writing form of ancient india it is related because it is the writing form for hinduism
What is the Eightfold Path?
Buddhist way of reaching enlightment
Explain reincarnation from the perspective of Hindus and Buddhists.
the cycle of rebirth where a soul is reborn into a new body after death
What role did the Aryans play in developing Hinduism?
They played the role in developing hinduism by creating sanskrit
What did the Four Noble Truths say?
The four noble truths live by Noviolence,
Don’t eat any food from animals,Tell the truth,Injure no life
Who believes in dharma, karma, and reincarnation: Hindus or Buddhists?
Hindus and buddhists
Be able to to label the caste system along with the outcastes
1. Brahmin, 2. Kshatriyahs, 3. Vaisyas, 4. Sudras
How did Siddartha Gautama become the Buddha, and what was he known as?
He was known as the enlighten one