When greeting a good friend, which greeting is better to use
"Hi, nice to meet you." or "Hey, what's up?'
It's better to use the greeting: "Hey, what's up?"
"Hi, nice to meet you." is more appropriate to use when meeting a new person.
Identify the message / meaning expressed by:😂
Laughing hard; Laughing out loud
In an Online class, when a classmate's mic is turned off and you can't her speak, What can you tell her to do?
"Unmute yourself."
"Turn your mic on."
In Africa in the past, one could identify your home / tribe by your hairstyle.
Where is John from?
John is NOT from Toronto. He comes from Prince Edward Island, CANADA.
We can also refer to this place as "PEI"
BONUS: Why does John like living in Toronto?
When meeting people in a professional setting for the first time, you can say: "Hey! How's it going?"
It's better to greet a new person in a professional situation more formally. "Hey! How's it going?" is too casual and is more often used when seeing good fiends.
Identify the message / meaning expressed by:😤
Very angry; very frustrated
What does "contrast" mean?
It means: "difference"
Is "black hair" very strong or very delicate?
According to Akua, black hair is "very delicate."
John feels lonely sometimes because of pandemic.
John feels isolated sometimes because he does not see many people nowadays.
Speaking formally is the best way to show your friends that you really like being with them.
It is probably more common to interact with friends by speaking informally, especially in Canadian culture.
Identify the message / meaning expressed by:😱
Very scared; Screaming
What is the meaning of "Dependence?"
It means: "to be dependent on" something; or "to be addicted" to something
When slave owners shaved the hair of black people, what did black people lose?
They lost their individuality; their identity
How old does John always SAY he is? Do you think this age is TRUE or FALSE?
John always says that he is 100 years old.
Given the fact that John's mother is only 81 years old, this is probably FALSE.
BONUS: What is John's REAL age?
When a friend responds: "Not bad. You?"
What GREETING did she / he hear?
She / He probably heard:
"Hi How are you?"
"Hey! How's it going?"
Identify the message / meaning expressed by: 🤢
Sick; Disgusted
When one says: "There is a rumor with false information about COVID-19 going around."
What does "going around" probably mean?
"Going around" means "being shared by people. Or that many people are hearing this information often.
Who was Ms. C.J. Walker?
She was one of the first Black women to create a business from selling hair straightening products to other Black women
John likes to cook or eat dinner with his friends.
He often cooks / eats with friends.
BONUS: What are some types of food that John really likes?
When a friend says: "We'll touch base later." What does she / he mean?
Friends use this at the end of conversations. It is used to say "Good Bye." It is similar to saying: "I will see you later." or "We will see each other soon."
What is the message / meaning expressed by: 😋
Delicious; Yummy
When one says: "Sometimes we see problems between different groups of people crop up."
What does "crop up" probably mean?
"Crop up" means to occur or to happen.
Name ONE thing that Akua wants her young daughter to know / learn from her hair?
Pride in her culture; pride in her hair; not feeling like she needs to conform to Western standards of beauty; Black hair is beautiful
When John asks "Is everything OK?" or "Is everything clear?" what gesture does he encourage the class to do?
John like the "thumbs up" gesture.
BONUS: What are some other examples of gestures or non-verbal signals John uses in class?