Urban Legends/Creepypastas
Monsters, Demons, and Cryptids
So You Think You Know Horror Movies?
Would You Survive/Hypothetical
Scary Misc

This wine cabinet is said to be cursed with a demon from Jewish Mythology. The movie "Possession" (2013) depicts the active haunting that came from this item. 

What is Dybbuk Box!


As a Trucker who hauls long nights over the road, If you see this black spectral being at night it is said as a warning to "Pull Over" or stop driving for the night. 

What is

The Black Dog


In the Friday the 13th Movies, what is the masked killers name?

what is Jason Voorhees!



You awake to a loud noise outside your window. You turn and look at the clock, it reads 3:06AM in bright green numbers. You rub your eyes and sit up, shuffling your feet on the floor looking for your slippers. You hear it again, THWACK on the side of the house. You exit your room with a perplexed look on your face, as you are going down the stairs, again, THWACK. You stop in the kitchen and grab a flashlight out of the drawer, then begin to approach the front door. You hear shuffling noises outside, you briefly retreat and grab the fire poker from the fireplace. You hear a knock at the door, 3 knocks. you cautiously approach, when you are close enough, you fling the door open to find Jasmine Jenkins, the 11 year old girl from down the road, she has been missing for about 3 weeks. You greet her with surprise and hide the poker behind your back, urging her to come inside. You ask her if she is okay, She stands completely still, and looks forward with a blank stare. She doesn't acknowledge you. Her dark hair drips water that is soaking into her wet and nearly shredded clothes, blood dribbles down her face from a small cut on her head. You bring her in and sit her on the couch and go to get her a towel, it is mid October and no more than 45 degrees outside, she has to be freezing! When you return, 

A) She has vanished, with no sign of her what so ever. 

B) Jasmine is standing in the hallway to the staircase completely still, facing away from you. 

C.) Jasmine is still sitting on the couch. 

What is B!

You find Jasmine facing the staircase, completely still. A very heavy, eerie feeling washes over you, something in your gut is telling you that something is very off about this. You begin to approach, "Jasmine" you mutter with a gulp, "Honey, what's going on?", You reach out to touch her shoulder, before you make contact her head slowly turns and faces you in the dim light, you feel great sorrow as you look into her completely black and glossy eyes, her skin has lost its color and flakes off here and there revealing a deep reddish tough looking flesh beneath, her lower jaw has detached and hangs a few inches lower than it should, she groans hoarsely and begins to tremble, you are frozen in fear unsure of what to do next. She drops to her knees and begins convulsing intensely, thrashing and bending to the point you can hear her bones creaking, She lets out one drawn out, haunting scream, before turning to dust and vanishing completely, leaving you alone, in the dark, terrified, wondering what the actual heck just happened. 


Jamie Lee Curtis stars in what Horror Franchise? 

What is Halloween!


This 19th century Englishman was born with a face on the back of his head, it is rumored that throughout Edwards life the face would whisper to him and drive him mad! It is also said that after he died the face was smiling.

What Is

Edward Mordrake


This Demon is said to be one of the kings of hell, He usually appears as a large fly like bug and has been previously regarded as "Lord of the Flies"

What Is 



What is the film in which Jack Nicholson uttered the immortal line, "Heeeeeere's Johnny".

What is The Shining!



You were supposed to meet your friends for a horse camping trip at a state park, they ended up being unable to make it out until late that night. You arrive in the early afternoon, the sun still shining bright, providing a comforting warmth that would not last past 6 or 7PM. You decide to tack up and go for a short ride before coming back to make supper. You and your trusty Gelding, Ol' Bill, ride out onto the trail at approx 4:15PM, admiring the changing colors of the leaves, passing an occasional passerby and greeting them amicably. Things are going smoothly, you decide you are making good time and choose a smaller, less kept trail off to the left, It reads "CLOSED to Public Access, Park Officials Only" as you are passing the sign, Bill balks at something briefly, you encourage him to push on, chances are it was his shadow or a squirrel perhaps, Bill refuses again, this time, more vehemently, backing up rapidly past the CLOSED sign before stopping and staring intently. "Come on Bill don't be a mule," You push him on again, this time, he does walk on, but is very watchy with his head perked up, snorting occasionally. You look through the trees and notice the sun is setting, You look at your watch, it says 7:03PM. There's NO WAY! We just left! You begin to panic slightly and go to turn Bill around, which he does happily, You look up and see the sign, and trail, have vanished completely. As you are trying to put the pieces together, you hear something to your right, leaves crunching, twigs snapping. Bill snorts and takes off full speed back towards where you entered, throwing you off in the process. You hit the dirt HARD, and the last thing you see is Bills rump burning rubber, vanishing into the trees, before your vision gets blurry, and you drift off into what feels like a deep sleep. You awake to Bill breathing in your face in the darkness, nudging you gently, pawing the ground. You begin to sit up as he pins his ears, screeches and charges at something in the trees, you can't see what it is. He trots back over and you brace on him to stand up. You look out into the trees to see: 

A) A Bear

B) Nothing

C) A shimmering orange light off into the Distance

What Is C!

You squint to see an orange light flickering in the distance, you are a little sore but not hurt badly, you mount Bill and begin the journey to the source. Bill is still snorty and uneasy, but pushes on, longing for safety. You hear a deep growl from behind you and do not look back, you push Bill into a gallop and duck down, avoiding branches and thorns as he tears through the thicket, trusting him with your life. You burst out of the forested area, into an opening, where you see your friends, around the fire, staring at you, perplexed. Once they realize its you they all get up and rush over, Bill is lathered in sweat and bleeding from scrapes from the trees, breathing heavily. You sluggishly slide out of the saddle as your friends approach, asking WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU!? You turn and look back at the trees, and see a set of red eyes staring directly back at you, before they turn and a dark mass works it's way back into the forest. 


What is the name of the female investigator in The Silence of the Lambs?

A) Clair Sterling

B) Clarice Starling

C) Clara Starlett

What is B!

Clarice Starling!


This Urban Legend takes place in Tennessee, about a family who was tormented by a witch for 4 years, the entity that was able to speak, affect the physical environment, and shapeshift. 

Hint: The fathers name Was John Bell Sr. 

What is The Bell Witch


This prehistoric MASSIVE shark ruled the oceans millions of years ago, there is speculation that sharks of this size still may swim in the deep, dark waters. 

What is Megalodon!


In which classic horror movie did the character Leatherface appear?

What is

Texas Chainsaw Massacre



It is the night before Thanksgiving and you and your best friend Lisa are working together to get everything in order for both families the next day. You laugh and joke as you prep side dishes together, enjoying each others good company and friendly banter. After the cooking is done you guys sit on the couch and enjoy a movie, about 20 mins in, Lisa is starting to look a little pale, you ask her if she is OK to which she just nodds her head. You get up to get her a glass of water from the kitchen when you hear something crash on the floor in the living room, you go back to see Lisa curled up on the ground rocking, groaning in pain. You run up to help her and she vomits blood onto the floor, she begins trembling, you try to comfort her as you notice, she is changing, her eyes, they begin to turn into a deep red color, her voice becomes deep and guttural, she groans again. You get up to run to get your phone to call 911, you frantically push the buttons and contact dispatch, she asks you to go back and see if Lisa is still breathing. You re enter the Livingroom and see Lisa standing up now, slightly hunched over to one side, her fingers twitching slightly, but otherwise completely still. The phone naturally drops from your ear, as you stare on in awe, you take a step forward and Lisa slowly turns to face you, shuffling around on her feet. You see that this, is no longer your lifelong best friend, she is long gone. Blood runs from the corners of two dark eyes and dribble down a pale face, her mouth is dark, and black substance drips from her gaping mouth, she gurgles when she see's you and begins to step forward, "Lisa," you mutter, as dispatch fervently tries to make contact again, A voice pouring from the speaker on your phone. you raise it again, "Send Help" before dropping the phone and running:

A) Upstairs to hide

B) Outside to run

C) Kitchen to get a knife/weapon

What is C Kitchen!

You run to the kitchen and grab a large knife out of its holder, you turn to look at Lisa who is slowly making her way towards you, You look to your left and you can see fire blazing in the dark, vehicles burning, people running down the street fleeing from something, and more slow moving, evil looking beings dragging themselves along behind them. You turn back to Lisa with tears in your eyes, hold the knife out, and warn her to stop, she just sputters in response, spits up more black fluid and continues towards you. You squeeze your eyes shut and rush towards Lisa, stabbing her in the chest, crying, you look up, she is unfazed, evil eyes stare back as gnashing teeth attempt to close in on you. You pull the knife out and this time you stick in in her head, she stops, and drops to the floor. you sob and struggle to stay focused as you grab a sturdy lamp from a nearby table, and rush to the bathroom on your main floor, sit, and wait. 


Who directed the 2004 horror film "Saw"?

What is

James Wan


This Creepypasta tells of Soviet agents experimenting on prisoners of war during World War II, in which the prisoners are kept in a sealed-off room which was filled with an experimental gas to prevent sleep. This mysterious gas turns the prisoners into violent zombie-like monsters. In the end, the commander demands a researcher to enter the room and start killing the prisoners, with one of them uttering "So nearly free" or "Finally put to rest" before they die.

What is The Russian Sleep Experiment


This Lake Monster in NY state reportedly started as a salamander released into a polluted lake and grew into a warped and huge monster like creature that has been reportedly seen lurking in Lake Onondaga in Syracuse NY, funny enough, he has received a cute nickname.

Hint: Starts with an O

What is Oggie


What is the name of the demonic nun in "The Conjuring" series?

what is




You have known Carter for a long time, you grew up fishing out of the local lake together, riding bikes, catching frogs, going to school together, and playing Lacrosse on the same team. But Lately, Carter has been rather reclusive, avoiding you, dodging calls, and not coming to school. This is rather odd for him, considering we are best friends and tell each other everything, and have never gone more than a day or two without contacting or seeing one another. It has been about 2 and a half weeks since you have seen Carter, you are becoming increasingly worried. You decide to stop by his parents house. They answer the door looking tired, and drained. They tell you he has been very ill and needs to rest, so can't come out or see you right now. They have a disingenuous, worried look on their face. You don't trust them. Finally, you have had enough, you are going to find out what is REALLY going on with Carter, he wouldn't just leave like this, or not talk to you. How could he?! A week later, November 3rd you decide to sneak into Carters house, to see what you can find out. You leave home about an hour after your parents go to sleep, you wear all black and slip out of your front door. You make your way to Carters house down the street, You climb a tree and peer into his dark bedroom window, it is pristine, nothing on the floor or dresser, bed made, no dirty laundry, which is very unlike Carter, as he is rather messy, and you have never once seen him make his bed, even when his mom told him to. Butterflies swarm your stomach as you make your way down the tree and to the back door, "something isn't right" you think to yourself. you open the back door slowly and peek inside. The house is dark, cool, and quiet. You slowly creep in and begin looking around, everything looks normal, then you see a dim light emitting from under the door to the basement staircase, you approach, turn the deadbolt and open the door, the dingy staircase is mostly dark, with a dim orange/yellow light illuminating the walls at the base of the staircase. Normally, it just smells like mildew in here, but this smell was very different, foul, rancid, musty. You slowly creep down the concrete stairs, shaking with every step, fighting back the vomit that rises in your throat from the rancid smell, you make it to the last few steps and poke your head forward to peer around the corner, Your eyes widen and shock overcomes you as you see:

A) A hairy beast chained to the wall, sleeping curled into a ball. 

B) A black mass running down a dark tunnel dug into the wall of the basement. 

C) Carter, dead and decomposing on the floor. 

What is A!

Your heart races as you look at this beast, wolf like, dark brown in color, elongated fingers and toes, claws 3-4 inches long, a bushy tail, scraps of its previous meals lay on the concrete floor in pieces, fragments of bone, dried and fresh blood, scraps of meat. You gasp as the creature lifts its head, it has semi-human facial features, then you realize, "CARTER" you gasp as you step out into the basement. The beast spots you and rises to it's haunches, chained by one ankle to a heavy duty steel ring on the wall. His yellow eyes peer hatefully, hungrily at you. He paces and begins snarling and snapping, trying to tear free from the chain that holds him back, gnawing on the metal.  You stand paralyzed in fear, tears rolling down your cheeks, "What happened to you, what did they do?!" you scream. You hear the basement door fling open, and footsteps rushing down as Carter, or more so what once was carter, throws his head back and let's out a piercing howl. His parents dressed in their nighttime robes grab your arms and pull you back, His mother hugs you tight and sits up against the back wall as they both apologize for lying and scold you for being there, Carters mother says "We just didn't know what to say, we can't tell the truth, they would take him away forever, send him to the island." Tears fill her eyes, Her husband looks at her, eyes wide, and raises his finger to his lips, telling her to "hush". Carter begins to whimper and lunges towards us with all of his strength, snapping, yipping, reaching out as his nails scrap rapidly on the concrete floor. His mother, still holding you, looks at her husband again and asks him what they should do, He looks at me, then her, and says, "He's seen to much." He raises his hand and lays his fingers on my forehead and begins to chant something that sounds very ancient, Carters mom looks at me, her tear filled eyes somehow reassuring me, that I will be okay, I reach up to attempt to move his hand and say "Wait, No!" but before the words can leave my lips, my vision blurs, and I begin to drift off into a deep, peaceful, dreamless sleep.


What did several cast and crew members demand to be removed from their hotel rooms during the filming of The Exorcism of Emily Rose? 

A) Televisions

B) Bibles

C) Radios

What is C!



This ranch in the Uintah Basin has been a hot spot for extraterrestrial/supernatural activity since the 1970's, It has become the center of at least 12 documentaries, movies, TV shows, and other investigations. There has been evidence of close to 100 incidents that include vanishing and mutilated cattle, sightings of unidentified flying objects or orbs, large animals with piercing red eyes that they say were unscathed when struck by bullets, and invisible objects emitting destructive magnetic field. 

What is Skinwalker Ranch!


This lesser known monster is said to swim in the depths of a lake on the Nebraska/SD border, It is said to be a 40 foot long, alligator-like creature with rough, grayish brown skin and a horn-like appendage located between its eyes and nostrils. The rather small lake is located south of pine ridge just south of the SD border. 

Alkali Lake Monster


Which 1982 movie had two onscreen siblings sadly die in unrelated incidents during the filming?

What is




You are an avid hiker who decides to solo travel to the east coast for a last minute trip over the weekend. You load up with your dog Sunny, A yellow lab, and hit the road for a relaxing weekend. the drive goes quick, and you arrive to the national forest land in the late afternoon. You and Sunny drive up the gravel road and find a nice, secluded clearing in the forest, away from the world. You get out of the vehicle and begin to unpack, the sun setting slowly over the horizon, orange light shining through the trees, slowly dissipating. After sunset you make a steak for yourself and give half to Sunny boy, he gobbles it down eternally grateful before curling up and beginning to snooze on the grass. Its peaceful out here, quiet, besides the normal, relaxing sounds of the very active forest at night. You make your way to your tent, Sunny yawns, stretches, and follows suit. You get all tucked in and cozy, snuggled up to your best friend, and drift off to sleep, ready for a beautiful day of hiking to follow.

Sunny growling jolts you awake, you open your eyes to see him standing over you, muscles tense, eyes locked in, hackles raised, and growling a deep, warning growl you have seldom heard in the past, "what is it boy?" you ask sitting up looking around. Sunny is unmoved, You begin to worry, gulp and begin to unzip the entrance to the tent, cautiously peering out. It is almost fully unzipped when Sunny tears out at full speed, barking, snarling, growling, and disappears into the trees. All of a sudden, the forest goes completely silent. No sunny, no critters, no bugs, no wind, nothing, absolute, eerie, unsettling silence. You don't dare make a noise either, even though you are extremely worried about Sunny, you know from experience that when the forest becomes completely still, you do too. Frozen, you peer out into the dark tree line, looking for any sign of your beloved buddy. Then, you see something, 

A) A dark, hairy creature stands 7ft tall, and peers back at you through the bushes.

B) A grey humanoid being on all 4's peers back at you through the trees, red eyes, long limbs, unmoving. 

C) a mountain lion runs through the brush, fleeing the area. 

What is B!

A grey, humanlike creature sits low on all fours, on its haunches, red eyes glowing in the dark night, long arms and legs bent oddly in some places, supporting its weight, a long face, spattered with blood, sharp teeth fill its rather small mouth, bones protrude stretching the skin above them, It is completely still, unmoving, as is the forest around it. It is staring directly at you, you can feel the Evil, you can feel, that this creature wants to hurt you. you begin to slowly zip up your tent, as soon as the zipper moves, the creatures eyes widen and sparkle with excitement as it crawls like a spider towards you, chittering and spewing gibberish from its demonic mouth. You zip the tent and fall back, panting, trying not to scream. You hold your pillow to your chest as you squeeze your eyes shut and pray for it all to go away, you hear whimpering outside, you open your eyes and can see the outline of a dog sniffing around the tent, "Sunny!" you say as you clamor back to the entrance, you unzip it hastily, just to find the same creature, its face just outside the tent door, big, circular red eyes as evil as ever, exposing his flesh ridden, shark like grin, ever so eager for the scrumptious second course that lie in wait before him. 


In "The Sixth Sense," what does the main character see?

What is

Dead People!
