What is the capital of Estonia?
What is a classic food people eat when celebrating Estonian independence day?
Sprat sandwich
What year did Estonia win Eurovision and what was the name of the song?
2001, "Everybody"
When did Estonia gain its independence?
24th of February, 1918
How many islands does Estonia have?
What is the biggest island in Estonia?
What do the people of Estonia enjoy to eat and serve on birthdays?
Potato and rosolje salad
What song did Estonia qualify with to Eurovision in 2024?
“We don't know anything about (these) narcotics”-PuuluupX5miinust
What do Estonians do on the 24th of June?
Celebrate Midsummer
What is the highest point in Estonia called and how high is it?
Suur Munamägi (Big Egg Hill), 318 m
Tartu is also known as the city of...
The students
What is a great sweet snack to grab from the fridge in Estonia?
Who sang the sond "Hellalt hoia mind"?
Why do Estonians celebrate the 20th of August?
Restoration of Independence
What is said to be the way Estonians claimed their independence?
They sang themselves free (the Singing Revolution)
Pärnu is also known as another capital in Estonia. What is Pärnu the capital of? Why?
The capital of summer. It is by the sea and has a huge beach.
Name the most basic traditional food in Estonia?
A woman named Virve got her stage name from the island she lived on, what was her stage name?
Kihnu Virve
How long was the Baltic chain?
Estonians are the people of...
The sea
Where do people go in the winter to ski and take part in other winter activities?
Otepää, the Winter Capital
Where do most Estonian dishes originate from?
Germany and Russia
Which countrys anthem has the same melody as the Estonian anthem?
What is the reason behind the big Estonian Song Festival that is one of the biggest choral events in the world?
Estonians sang themselves free
Which software did Estonians create?