He is the bishop of the Blaine Ward
Who is Bishop Holt
This is our temple
What Is St. Paul Minnesota Temple
He is the first modern prophet. He translated the Book of Mormon, and through him Jesus Christ restored His Church
Who Is Joseph Smith
This first Prophet shares a name with one of our activity days members. Just be careful if you tickle his ribs.
Who is Adam
This is the number of Articles of Faith written by Joseph Smith. Ironically following these is the best way to ward off "bad luck"
What is 13
These two men serve as councilors to bishop Holt
Who are Bro Rhodes, and brother Cecil
This temple burned down in 1848 and was rebuilt and dedicated in 2002
What is the Nauvoo Illinois Temple
He was ordained as the 17th prophet on January 14th 2018, and still serves in that position.
Who is President Russel M. Nelson
This soft spoken Prophet was known to spend time in the mountains, and led the Hebrews out of Egypt
These 4 books make up the LDS Standard works
Book of Mormon
Doctrine and Covenants
Pearl of Great Price
He is the St. Paul Stake President
Who is president Pattberg
Dedicated in 1893 this is the largest temple, and is considered "The Main Temple"
What is Salt Lake City
He was the 2nd president of the Church and Lead the Saints into the Salt Lake Valley
Who is Brigham Young
This Prophet and King slayed a mighty giant when he was young, but later in life fell harder than a dead giant.
Who is David
Located in New York this is the spot where God the Father and Jesus Christ appeared to Joseph Smith
What is the Sacred Grove
These two men are Councilors to President Pattberg
Who are President Ward and President Nelson
Dedicated in 1877 this was the first temple in Utah
What is the St George Utah Temple
This President of the church, ordained March 12 1995 was best known for designing smaller temples and setting and meeting the goal of 100 temples by the year 2000
Who is Gordon B. Hinckley
This holder of the Aaronic Priesthood, paved the way for the savior and did his best work in the River Jordan
Who is John The Baptist
This man was killed by a mob on June 27th 1844, along side his brother, the Prophet Joseph Smith
Who Is Hyrum Smith
She is the Blaine Ward primary president
Sister Sather
This city in Ohio is where the first temple was built in this dispensation.
What is Kirtland
Second only to Brigham Young, this Prophet Served from Nov. 23 1918 until his death on May 14th 1945, for a total of 26 years, 5 months
Who is Heber J. Grant
This apostle of Jesus Christ, later became the leader of the Church and tis best known for his letters to the Romans, Colossians and Philipians among others.
Who is Paul
The last book in the Old Testament this prophet promised us that if we pay our tithing, "The windows of Heaven Will Be Opened unto us."
Who is Malachi