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Who is Malala?

Malala is a girl who fought for girl's rights in education.


Where is Malala born?

Northwest Pakistan.


What is the conflict between Malala and the Taliban?

They want to take away rights but she fights against it.


What is the message once Malala decides to speak out about her essay?

The answer may vary. This may include: being brave, not giving up, having confidence, etc.


Who is Malala's father?

He is the owner of the male and female schools. Also, he agrees with how girls should have an education.


Why did the Taliban shoot Malala?

Because she would not stop speaking out against them.


Where did Malala's family move after her parents got married?

Mingora, Swat Valley.


What was the resolution of Malala getting shot?

Malala had the tube removed from her throat and she could talk. She figured out what happened also her family arrived and now she isn't alone.


What is the lesson once Malala finds out she has a threat?

The answer may vary. This may include: Never quit, have faith, always work harder than you can, etc.


Where are all the places Malala was throughout the book?

Northwest Pakistan, Mingora, Shangla, Peshawar, Rawalpindi, and Birmingham.


What is a key trait about Malala and her family?

Bravery to be able to let their daughter stand out against the Taliban.


When did Malala put in her first diary entry?

Malala's first entry was on 3 January 2009.


What is one of the key events throughout the story?

Malala was still going to school even though she knew it was against the Taliban rules. Also, she kept on saying her speeches to fight for girl's education.


What is the theme once Malala wakes up in the hospital?

Answers may vary. May include: Never give up, family is important, you can survive difficult situations, etc. 


Where was Malala when she got her threat?

Malala was in Karachi as a guest for the GEO TV.


What are Malala's dad's actions after realizing she has a threat?

Very worried and has a feeling if she keeps on going against the Taliban the threat will follow through.


What was happening in Mingora when Malala was giving her speeches?

Huge terrorist fights were going on all over Swat Valley. Most of the time these fights were outside of Mingora, but soon they started to get closer and closer to Mingora.


What is the main conflict once Malala finds out she has a threat?

Malala had found out that she had a threat against her. Her father was almost at a point to make her stop her blogs and speeches for a while. 


What is the lesson once Malala goes to a new school?

The answer may vary. This may include: don't change for others, having confidence in yourself, etc.


What was the moral lesson before Malala got a threat?

The answer may vary. This may include: don't give up, have courage no matter what, stand up for what you believe in, etc.


What is Malala's full opinion once she wakes up in the hospital?

She didn't know why she was there. She didn't remember anything that happened after getting shot. Her only question was "Where is my father".


How many places was Malala located in after she was shot?

First, she started in Mingora, then was moved to Peshawar, then to Rawalpindi, and finally to Birmingham.


What is the resolution at the end of the book?

Malala is safe also her recovery was good. She can keep on living her normal lifestyle without getting any threats. She is with her family and is very happy now.


What is the lesson/message of I Am Malala?

The importance of education for girls and speaking out for what is right.


What is the Taliban?

A group of people who reinforced the rules on how girls shouldn't have an education. Also if you aren't with your husband when you go out you may get beat. Another example is if the Taliban catches you going to school as a girl you may get shot.