Questions 1-5
Question 6-10
Questions 11-15
Questions 16-20
Questions 21-23
Passage: Why Rabbits Have Long Ears and a Short Tail Who is telling this story?
C. Correct: The text is told from the point of view of a third-person omniscient narrator.
Which TWO sentences describe how Fox feels about Rabbit?
(B.) Correct: This sentence describes how Fox feels about Rabbit by explaining that he is tired of Rabbit's behavior. ---------------------------------(C. )Correct: This reveals Fox's feelings about Rabbit by explaining Fox's thoughts about how he is sick of Rabbit's bragging.
What is the relationship between Nkosi Johnson and Michaela Mycroft?
A. Correct: This is why Nkosi Johnson is mentioned in the sidebar in a text that is mainly about Michaela Mycroft.
In the first paragraph of “Say Yes to Solar Energy,” what does the word convert mean?
C. Correct: To convert in this context means to change or transform one thing (the Sun's energy) into another (usable energy).
Solar panels must be placed on the outside of your home in order to reflect the Sun's rays. Do this and you risk decreasing the overall beauty of your home. Which statement BEST represents how the author of “Say Yes to Solar Energy” would respond to this claim?
D. Correct: If sources of renewable energy increase a home's value, then the argument that solar panels might cause your home's value to depreciate is no longer valid.
"Being vain, every time he saw his friend Fox, he would wave his big bushy tail at Fox and brag that he had a better tail."---------Which other word in the sentence helps to reveal what vain means?
D. brag
What is Rabbit's main problem in this story?
B. Correct: The main problem for Rabbit is the result of Fox's trick—Rabbit's tail is frozen into the ice.
Chaeli thinks people should reach for their dreams. Which sentence from the text supports this statement?
B. Correct: This statement shows that Chaeli wants all children to reach for dreams and not let disabilities stand in their way.
"is a concern for many interested in solar energy. Is it really affordable?" Which sentence from supports the idea that there are concerns about the cost of solar energy?
C. Correct: This sentence focuses on the high cost of equipment, and by extension the high cost of solar energy.
How does the author of “Say No to Solar Energy” support the central idea that solar panels are not worth the trouble?
A. Correct: The author includes several reasons why solar panels are inconvenient, including cost, pollution, and aesthetics.
"Fox grew weary of such taunting." Based on the first two paragraphs, what is the BEST definition of taunting?
A. Correct: The first paragraph provides context clues to determine the meaning of taunting as "teasing or insulting." Rabbit is described as vain, he waves his bushy tail (showing off), and brags that his tail is better than Fox's.
Passage: Michaela Mycroft-----------What is this text MAINLY about?
C. Correct: This text is mainly about a girl named Chaeli who started a program to help other children with disabilities.
Which sentence from the text describes an event that occurred as a result of the Chaeli Campaign?
B. Correct: This sentence describes the precise results of the Chaeli Campaign.
In “Say Yes to Solar Energy,” what evidence BEST supports the author's claim that solar energy will become more affordable for homeowners?
A. Correct: By quoting an expert such as the chemist Nathan Lewis, the author shows that real progress is being made toward reducing costs.
How are the authors' points of view similar in the texts?
B. Correct: Both authors clearly acknowledge that solar energy is clean energy and good for the environment.
Read this sentence from paragraph 4. Fox thought to himself, “I am tired of Rabbit’s bragging. Now is my chance to get even with him.” What does the underlined phrase mean?
B. Correct: Getting even with someone is getting revenge, at."
"This was the beginning of the Chaeli Campaign."------------- Based on the text, the word campaign means
C. Correct: Immediately after introducing the term "campaign" in paragraph 1, the text goes on to describe various actions and their purposes.
Which evidence MOST clearly supports the idea that Chaeli has become a well-known activist for children with disabilities?
D. Correct: This detail shows that many people have learned about Chaeli's work to help children with disabilities.
What is the main idea presented by the author of “Say Yes to Solar Energy” ?
D. Correct: The author provides several supporting points to establish how solar energy is a great alternative mainly because it doesn’t pollute the planet.
Owl began thinking of ways he could help. How does this detail show that Owl is different from Fox?
D. Correct: The detail highlights the fact that, while Fox wants to trick Rabbit, Owl wants to help Rabbit out of trouble.
“Hope is what keeps us going,” Chaeli said in her acceptance speech. What does this statement tell the reader about Chaeli?
B. Correct: This statement shows that Chaeli does not give up and remains positive in the face of adversity.
Which source is the MOST likely to be useful for additional research on Nkosi Johnson?
D. Correct: The sculpture Chaeli won was named after Nkosi Johnson, so the prize's website is likely to have information about him.
"Although renewable energy is beneficial to our planet, solar panels may be more of a hassle than they're worth." What does the phrase renewable energy mean?
C. Correct: Renewable energy comes from resources such as wind, the Sun, rain, tides, and geothermal heat.