This is the "tone" that conveys more than the words themselves.
What is intonation?
This type of communication is made up of facial expressions.
What is facial expressions?
This technique involves summarizing what someone just said to ensure understanding.
What is reflective listening?
This happens when your message is misinterpreted because of a lack of clarity.
What is ambiguity?
The ability to build trust by being consistent and reliable.
What is reliability?
This term refers to the use of words that don’t actually mean what they sound like.
What is figurative language?
This body part plays a big role in showing how well we are listening.
What are your eyes?
When listening actively, it’s important to focus on the speaker without distractions like...
What are phones or multitasking?
When you dominate the conversation and don’t allow others to speak, it’s called this.
What is talking over someone?
This technique involves finding common ground with the person you’re speaking to.
What is rapport building?
A common phrase for the difference between how we say something vs. what we say.
What is tone vs. content?
The space between you and others, which communicates respect or discomfort.
What is proxemics?
These two words can be used to show someone you’re paying attention.
What is "uh-huh" or "I see"?
When you make assumptions without evidence, you’re committing this error.
What is jumping to conclusions?
When you acknowledge someone’s feelings or thoughts without judgment, you’re showing this.
What is empathy?
A way to avoid misunderstandings by confirming what you’ve heard.
What is paraphrasing?
When your body position suggests openness or defensiveness.
What is posture?
It’s not just about hearing words; it's also about understanding emotions. This is called...
What is empathic listening?
This is when you only listen to information that supports your viewpoint.
What is selective listening?
This skill involves apologizing sincerely when you've made a mistake.
What is owning your mistakes?
What "message" is often confused in communication?
What is the non-verbal message?
This non-verbal cue can make or break your message when done incorrectly.
What is eye contact?
This kind of listening requires you to reflect on the speaker’s words and connect them to your experience.
What is empathetic listening?
This happens when your emotions cause you to respond in a way that isn’t helpful.
What is reacting emotionally?
Being able to adjust your message depending on your audience is called this.
What is audience adaptation?