What Italian word means 40?
NB "quaranta giorni” means 40 days
What was the MAIN reason they stopped burying and start burning the bodies of plague victims?
Ran out of space to bury them
What century is 1410 CE
What class of people increased after the Black Death in Europe?
Before toilet paper was invented, Americans used to use corn cobs!
Before toilet paper was invented, Americans used to use corn cobs!
How did genes help end the plague?
More people with genetic resistance to plague survived and had children ... who had children ...
As time went on, survivors of the plague moved to the...
What information do the high church windows in Walsham le Willow church give historians?
Show INCREASED WEALTH of villagers AFTER the Black Death
What new practices helped to improve medical knowledge after the plague
•Medical texts
What animal was made a senator in Ancient Rome?
Goat OR Cow OR Horse OR Elephant
Notorious emperor Caligula, who ruled Rome from 37 AD to 41 AD, made his horse a Senator. He is remembered as one of the city’s worst rulers.
Did hygiene improve or get worse after the plague?
eg handwashing
What percentage of people died in Europe in the Black Death
Accept any answers from 30-50%
Matthew Gilbert starts his life with 2 acres from his dad.
How many acres did he leave his children?
After the plague, Public Health Authorities continued new measures to clean up the streets
Name ONE of the 3 points mentioned in PPT
Anti-littering laws
Street sweepers
Fines for dumping waste in river
Unwrapped, the bandages of an Ancient Egyptian mummy could stretch for
100 metres OR 160 metres OR 1 km OR 1.6km OR 16km?
What is the name of the bacteria that caused the plague?
Yersinia pestis
(accept near enough spelling for this one!)
Black Death entered England during a festival that celebrated fertility and life on the 23rd of what month, in 1348?
What did Matthew Gilbert and others start to GROW after the Black Death
What impact did the Black Death have on language in Britain
Started teaching in ENGLISH
(Monks etc who knew Latin had died!)
What common type of cutlery was not used in Britain until the 17th century?
FORKS weren't widely used in the UK until the 17th century!
Before then, people would spear their food on their knives, and use a spoon to help them.
What is the name of the Italian city that started quarantining ships for 40 days before they could come on land?