getting a word out about a product
what is advertising
the spread of wrong information about a product
what is false advertisement
stopping to check social media all the time
what is social media anxiety
How many users are on the internet?
4.54 billion users
fights body insecurities
what is body positivity
to bully online
what is cyber bullying
percentage of teens in mental distress during 2017
what is 39%
How many active daily users does Snapchat have
210 million
promotes moving forward as a civilization
what is social change
to be away from real civilization
what is diconnection
7% of teens have had these spread around school
what is nudes
How many hours of youtube do people watch daily
1 billion
to grow personally
what is personal growth
tools used for communicating
what is communication skills
percent of teens being name called
what is 42%
How many searches does google process in a month
100 billion
What percent of teens lost their friendship due to actions on social media sites