Vitamins and Minerals
Food Safety
Wild Card

Name one function of vitamin C rich foods.

Vitamin C rich foods prevent bruising, heal cuts and protect us from infections.


There are four simple, but important rules to help us keep food safe for our family. These four rules are: 

Clean, Separate, Cook and Chill.


This is used on the Nutrition Facts Label to show how much of the nutrient is in one serving. It is based on a 2,000 calorie per day diet for healthy adults. The percentage on the Nutrition Facts Label shows what percentage of the body’s daily need for that nutrient is met by eating one serving of the food.

% Daily Value


This nutrient is found mostly in animal products such as meats and dairy. High consumption of this is associated with an increased risk of heart disease and an increased risk of some cancers. Limit your intake to less than 10 percent of your total calories per day.

Saturated Fat


__________  helps us compare different size packages of the same food to determine which one is the best buy. It gives us the price per ounce or pound.

Unit Prices


Name one function of vitamin A rich foods.

Vitamin A rich foods help with having healthy eyes, help cells grow and keeps us from getting sick.


Which foods lead to the most illnesses?
a. meats

b. frozen foods

c. fresh produce

d. canned foods

c. fresh produce


If the Daily Value is __% or less, that means the food is low in that nutrient.

5% or less


This nutrient is found in all types of foods and occurs naturally in some foods. It is found in high amounts in many processed foods. High intakes are associated with an increased risk of hypertension (high blood pressure) and stroke. Limit daily intake to 2,300mg or less.



The number of minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity adults need each week.

150 minutes


True or False: Water helps our body by keeping our body temperature just right.



The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention states that almost 50% of foodborne illnesses can be linked to _______

Improper handwashing


If the Daily Value is __% or more, then the food is a good source of that nutrient.

20% or more


On the Nutrition Facts Label, Total Sugar includes the amount of naturally occurring sugar AND _____

Added Sugars


Children need at least _______ of moderate to vigorous activity EVERY day.

60 minutes


Which of these foods is LOW in calcium - cheese, yogurt, orange, milk?



Cooking food to the correct temperature is the MOST important thing to remember when we consider the “cook” rule. Using a food thermometer inserted in the thickest part of a poultry product, the internal temperature should be ____.

165 degrees


The Dietary Guidelines recommend that we make at least half our grains whole, or in other words, at least three servings a day. Whole grains are important to our health because they help us maintain a healthy weight, and reduce our risks of type 2 diabetes, stroke, colorectal cancer, and heart disease. What is one of the best ways to identify if an item is a whole grain?

Read the ingredient list for the word “WHOLE”.


An average adult needs about ___ounces of protein each day, which can include beans, peas, eggs, nuts, poultry, meat, and fish.

5 1/2 ouces


Name 3 shopping tips that would help you save money at the grocery store.

Make a grocery list based on your menu for the week; Check what you already have; Include in-season fresh produce; Include canned/frozen produce when out of season; Use store flyers/website for sales; Use coupons


About _____ % of our body is made up of water.



Bacteria grows most rapidly when it is in the temperature danger zone between _____ and _____.

40 degrees and 140 degrees


The Serving Size for an item is 1 cup. There are 2 servings per container. There are 250 calories per serving. How many calories did I consume if I ate the whole container (or 2 cups)?

500 calories


It’s important to include healthy fats, such as olive or canola oil, within the diet. For example, there are vitamins that are only absorbed when fat is around (i.e. fat-soluble vitamins: A, D, E, and K). Also, fat takes longer to digest than carbohydrates or protein, thus can help you feel satisfied for longer. What are these healthy fats called? 

Unsaturated Fats


Name 3 places you can find coupons.

 On food packages, on grocery receipts, in newspapers, on grocery store app/website, in-store aisles
